What linux program do you use to rip CDs (just audio)
I tried fre:ac but got an error from cddb when trying to connect to the database. Looking to rip to both FLAC and to Opus. Ideally with the latest codec updates.
Any recommendations?
I tried fre:ac but got an error from cddb when trying to connect to the database. Looking to rip to both FLAC and to Opus. Ideally with the latest codec updates.
Any recommendations?
StrawberryPigtails, Way back when, I think I was using WinAmp (on XP) and then k3b (when I moved to Linux) to rip and burn cds, but I don’t recall hearing anything about k3b in a couple of years. As for something more recent, I’m afraid I’ve been running Windows lately so I don’t know what available in Linux land.
If you’ve got wine installed you might give Exact Audio Copy a try. It’s what I’ve been using since I started ripping cds again. I don’t know if it work in wine however. I didn’t have any luck ripping cds with WinAmp when I tried recently, though surprisingly, it does still run in Windows 11.
01189998819991197253, I didn’t find one that consistently worked. I ended up installing a windows VM and using Audio Grabber. It’s ancient, but it works every time for me. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m wondering if it will work through Wine. I need to try that, but I’ll probably try some of the native Linux recommendations on here first.
nickwitha_k, Lots of solid recommendations. If you additionally want to image the cd, you can use dd.
KickMeElmo, I just use abcde to flac, and if I want any further conversion I use ffmpeg from flac.
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