This looks pretty good so far, and I’m glad to be here and pseudo-anonymous!
Absolute newbie here so bare with me: I’m seeing a couple features I’m used to from reddit that aren’t present. Where do we go to learn more about Lemmy? Is there anywhere to put feature requests? Mods available to be added? My old experience with stuff like this was back in the Invision Power Board and phpBB days.
I see threaded replies can’t get collapsed in this thread - that was useful for browsing. on reddit.
Also no downvoting of comments, just an upvote button?
If you post something on the internet, there should be no expectation that it won’t be preserved for an arbitrary length of time. Same as how you can’t legally claim that you expect privacy while in public
This. Everyone needs to be mindful about what they post. You are communicating with real human beings afterall, with their own life history and memory.
So be kind and give up the fantasy you can reverse your actions.
The outline approach is great for quick note contributions without worrying about the look of the notes you're trying to capture. Writing journal entries or pages is so seamless, and linking is so easy. Block references are also a powerful addition.
The mobile version is lacking compared to say obsidian, but I've found it good as I'm not focused on propping up the application, rather focusing on my content/notes.
Both are pretty versatile and make use of local markdown files. Logseq is more ouliner/bulleted note focused, while Obsidian is paragraph first (but with plugins for either you can really modify this quite a bit). Another difference is Obsidian organizes things into folders, while Logseq's organization is flatter and more reliant on tags and hyperlinks to connect things (although you can nest pages, for instance having pages like this: pets, pets/cats, pets/dogs). Obsidian is more stable with a larger plugin ecosystem, but Logseq is being very rapidly developed and the dev team is super responsive.
Finally, Logseq is open source, while Obsidian is not. Their monetization models are pretty similar too, with the free version of both being really generous and limited features like Logseq/Obsidian-native Sync being available for a $5 monthly subscription. I regularly use both and encourage you to check them both out and explore what works for you.
Love Logseq for a lot of reasons, but their PDF annotator is really a gamechanger. I can open a PDF, mark it up, copy the highlighted reference to my notes, and then when I review my notes just by clicking the copied reference I can jump to that section of the PDF. Awesome.
Another alternative, admittedly not open-source, is Recollectr (disclaimer: built by me.)
Recollectr was inspired by prior projects like Notational Velocity but aims to be a lot more - omnibox, markdown support, reminders; and for paid users: revisions, note-linking, and sync. I built it because I felt like other note-taking apps just weren't fast enough and they broke my concentration.
It's quite late here but I'd be happy to answer any questions tomorrow!
I was just checking out the site on my iPad. Only the top image loads and the rest are white boxes. I disabled all content blockers and reloaded but the problem persisted. It might still be a local problem, but now you have a heads-up that something MIGHT be wrong.
I remember this being marketed as the Emacs Org mode + Org Roam combo for the masses, which is totally fine. However, if you want true control over your data and you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone, consider using Emacs + Syncthing
its lack of protocol support from firefox end. Firefox doesn’t support the FS API. The logseq team plans to migrate to a different protocol that is supported by FF OPFS
I love Logseq! When I first started using it, I was categorizing all my notes as I was slowly moving over my knowledge base. And over time, I’ve switched over to using the Journal more and more! It’s extremely well done.
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