Telegram is, by all accounts, a privacy garbage fire. They rolled their own crypto, bless them, and as they say, anyone can design a cryptosystem that they themselves can’t break.
In terms of privacy, nothing would change, it’s still the same as ever so I think the recommendation can absolutely stay up, even proprietary apps are suggested on Privacy Guides.
In terms of software freedom, this is a terrible change and I really dislike projects moving to source-available models, in this case, as the other commenters said there, I don’t even think it’s legal, unless every contributor has signed a CLA in the past.
I feel for not wanting to be explioted by corporate, but they could have gone the dual licensing path and instead chose to restrict everyone’s freedom, even us users. Now that doesn’t mean forks can’t be made I believe, it’s just that anyone who does that, won’t ever be able to sell the service which could be unsustainable since they made the server CC-BY-NC-SA, that’s a big turn off for those who want to host that
Just don’t. If you want TikTok content then look for YouTube compilations or reposts (do shorts work on Piped?)
TikTok is one of the most privacy-invasive apps ever created, and that’s before even considering the data they get from watching what videos you watch/like. They harvest literally everything they can from your phone.
I guess if you run it in a VM on an Android emulator with a VPN and strict vlan/firewall rules using an email address you created specifically for it, but even then it doesn’t seem worth it.
Thank you for raising this. My subscription was up for renewal next year, and I think I’ll look elsewhere now.
The only reason I chose to support S Notes in the first place is they were the best designed FOSS notes app at the time, and 4 years later they have plenty of competition in that space fortunately. Honestly I expected better from them, they say all the right things but I guess the greed just got too much for them.
Signal. Also, the solution to the “no-one on signal” problem is simply to refuse to use insecure platforms like WhatsApp. If people want to talk to you then, they have to download signal. They might get annoyed with you, but sometimes a bit of coercion is necessary to get people to do what’s good for them.
All offer domains and hosting/VPS which you can use Monero to pay for.
Things to bear in mind: totally anonymous domain purchasing means you have no real control over it as it can’t be proved you are the owner. If the registrar fucked you over, you lose the domain.
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