Merge then review
Move fast and break things.
Merge vulnerabilities.
Double the work.
Merge code without tests.
Anything, but don’t let code become stale.
Move fast and break things.
Merge vulnerabilities.
Double the work.
Merge code without tests.
Anything, but don’t let code become stale.
simple, Having to go through the process of merging hurts morale and slows performance. Give everyone on your team the right to force push to master.
will_a113, Having a hard time determining whether this is sarcasm or not. Then I see the phrase “JavaScript Engineer” and become doubly confused.
RonSijm, I don’t think it’s satire, this guy is actively defending this on Linkedin:
Blackmist, I distinguish four types. There are clever, hardworking, stupid, and lazy officers. Usually two characteristics are combined. Some are clever and hardworking; their place is the General Staff. The next ones are stupid and lazy; they make up 90 percent of every army and are suited to routine duties. Anyone who is both clever and lazy is qualified for the highest leadership duties, because he possesses the mental clarity and strength of nerve necessary for difficult decisions. One must beware of anyone who is both stupid and hardworking; he must not be entrusted with any responsibility because he will always only cause damage.
– Kurt von Hammerstein
LinkedIn is Facebook for that last type.
Aviandelight, That’s a relief because I thought I’d stumbled into LinkedIn Lunatics for a hot second.
BatmanAoD, Wow, of course he’s pretending the response is a misrepresentation of his opinion instead of defending it in good faith.
Quik, I think the latter makes clear that this is a joke account, doesn’t it?
GBU_28, Let the users do the testing
ArmoredThirteen, Oh hey a fellow game dev, how long you been in the industry?
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