dbx12, And half of them are “curated list of X”
topinambour_rex, Why the “/” between VS ?
emptyother, Seems like its a common mistake, maybe brought on by its use as a stylistic choice in entertainment. “Myguy vs/ Yourguy” became “MyGuy v⚡s Yourguy” became the abomination that is “v/s”. Probably. I’m no etymolog.
starkzarn, I don’t know how you got a picture of me, but I demand it is removed!
hypnotic_nerd, Nailed it 😜
cyborganism, As a side note, I find it incredible how much programmers have such little knowledge of how to use Git properly.
Even the most amazing developers I’ve worked with found themselves completely unable to manage their repos properly.
Cold_Brew_Enema, I use Git all the time and still have no idea how to use it
emptyother, They are all named some variant of “tutorial_Ch01” or “testprogram” probably. And one repository named “My Unnamed MMO” (or some other overly complex but trendy genre) that has like 12 lines of code so far and a crappy drawn pixelart png.
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