They are warning the kibble in Sto-bowl-kor that a great meal is about to arrive. The food in the bowl is only an empty shell now; the humans should treat it as such and dispose of it.
Yeah, my cat used to do this. Sort of. The center of the food would be eaten away but the sides perfectly fine. Showed her how to move the food and she did that until I got her a plate. Now? She just eats a little bit and moves it around and then screams at me. I put it back in the bowl and same thing.
We had one that would push the bowl or plate off the mat and into the middle of the floor.
Replaced the mat with a small plastic food service tray. Which off course proved easier to slide across the floor.
Ignoring the behaviour is the only solution, but it takes cats 2 weeks to believe any behaviour changes are real. Why did we leave to fall for patient predators as pets?
Ohhh man. This had me cackling. I mean, I feel bad for you, but it does speak to me in my soul.
The one I have now won't even eat off a plate unless it's wet food, where I'm guessing she's too excited to care about the peasant presentation.
I found out about the whisker thing and handed her fresh kibble that way just to see, and she wouldn't even touch it til I put it in her bowl for her.
It HAS to be in a bowl and it HAS to be full to overflowing, and she'd better not see any goddamn silver or she'll beat me with a coat hanger. And then the bottom goes stale because her whiskers.
My cat has been driving me crazy this weekend. She walks up to the closet door next to me and meows a ton. I open it, and she just walks away. I close the closet and she comes back and starts meowing again.
Your closet is clearly a portal to another plane. By keeping the door closed, you are increasing poltergeistic pressure, which could lead to a rupture, resulting in, at the very least, extra ghosts in your home, and at the worst, an ectoplasmic explosion.
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