saltnotsugar, Not gonna lie. I’d watch a Star Trek romantic comedy called Klingon To You.
SpaceScotsman, French and Portuguese at the convention, their arms open.
M500, Is there a source for this. I need this to be true!
Twipped, Alas, it is not
There was an animated tv show that had this as a plot line, where an american man met a woman from japan. I can’t remember what show it was, though. Its a memory barely visible in the back of my brain.
TheOctonaut, French and Portuguese are similar enough that you could make out what someone is saying.
Also, Star Trek is in English
moody, Written, you could get a vague sense of what’s being said. Spoken, the two languages are absolutely not intelligible. You might pick up a couple of words that are close enough but definitely not enough to have anything close to a conversation.
Portuguese and Spanish are much closer in terms of intelligibility.
Draedron, lol do you think it is shown in english everywhere?
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