This show has easter eggs on top of Easter eggs. Jeffery Colms, one of the most prolific guest stars who has played a ton of different characters, being the AI robot that wants to take over planets and then a few episodes later, Rutherford saying that Nick Locarno looks like Tom Paris.
I have Lemmy to thank for helping me find this show.
It’s also worth mentioning that 17 million scovilles (17,000,000 SHU) is way off the top of the chart by an order of magnitude:
Gag or not, this may not be for human consumption.
It’s pretty impressive since pure capsaicin tops out at 16 million, guess they started putting crazier spice moulecules in. Also makes Boimler’s pain in that episode less of a gag and more of a “how are you legally allowed to have this on your table?”
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