sirblastalot, No joke though, I would looooove to see a series about the adventures of Beverly Crusher, Captain of the Pasteur.
GreenMario, seems to be down if the image isn’t loading. It’s just Dr. crusher and ghosts again you ain’t missed much.
Aggravationstation, Wish I was good at Photoshop, I’d make the Ghostbusters logo do the shocker.
zaphod, ghostcrusher
bionicjoey, “Bustin’ makes me feel good”
-Dr. Beverly Crusher
originalucifer, bustin
BreadOven, Freaky ghost bed.
FlyingSquid, I once met Ray Parker, Jr. but I didn’t talk to him beyond pleasantries, because I had no idea what to say. “Nice way you stole a horn line from that Huey Lewis song?” “What the fuck were you thinking with the ‘bustin’ makes me feel good’ lyric?”
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