JWBananas, Does that make the fire caves the good place?
FauxPseudo, A real good place wouldn’t let Kai Winn in. Maybe Gul Dukat. But never Kai Winn.
JWBananas, theyrethesamepicture.jpg
FauxPseudo, Get into the good place with one weird trick.
FauxPseudo, It’s all Jeremy Bearimy.
PochoHipster, Hell has better company anyway
ininewcrow, lol … I had an old elderly Irish friend who used to curse at the Catholic church and tell me that she didn’t want to go to heaven anyway because none of her friends were there.
Fades, I can live with it
FauxPseudo, I think we all can
BunnyKnuckles, Damn, didn’t even wait til he died.
Telodzrum, Dude’s been dead to a lot of us for a very long time.
Kolanaki, “Wake up, Kirk, you’re going where no man has gone before.”
“What for?”
“For the womanizing and the prime directive violations.”
Batman, New Jersey?
Captain_Patchy, He is with the prophets in the celestial temple.
FlatFootFox, Sisko’s in the celestial temple because Bajorans happen to practice the one true space religion.
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