The trick was to fly at warp factor 12 around an exact duplicate of the United States Constitution, flinging the Enterprise far back enough in time that the Romans didn’t have submachineguns anymore. Then a simple application of aerosolized Cordrazine in the atmosphere allowed the people to realize they had no need for gods.
I was a snot nosed poor kid that could never afford to play these arcade games in the 80s. Me and my friends used to watch in awe as some older kid with a bit of cash and coins would spend an hour or two playing this. We had more fun watching the game play than ever actually playing it.
Now I play it on a website emulator once in a while just for nostalgic sake and now I’m amazed I can play it online for free on my own as long as I want … I often wish I could show all this to my eight year old self.
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