JoYo, is ferris beuller’s day off a Christmas movie?
Songar87, Rabbit is good. Rabbit is wise.
muse, Admiral Bueller, you're my hero...
ArugulaZ, Ferris Bueller is a creepy manipulative sociopath send post
RalphFurley, I always pictured Marty Byrde in Ozark as Ferris Bueller all grown up. They’re even from the same area, same age.
allomanticpush, Wow, very interesting take.
cypherpunks, (edited )
DmMacniel, don’t we all Chief.
BolexForSoup, Fun fact: he is Connor in succession (oldest brother). I couldn’t believe I didn’t realize it until like the last episode.
muse, Succession is the unofficial sequel to Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Whiskeyomega, That explains why the dad in both is nuts /s
victron, He was interested on space adventures from a very young age.
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