gbuttersnaps, For anyone unaware, this joke references a conflation of the Spock we all know and love with Dr. Benjamin Spock, who wrote some of the most prominent books on child rearing.
metallic_z3r0, He had some decent political views, but his child-rearing advice wasn’t always very evidence-based.
gbuttersnaps, Truth be told I’ve never really read up on him, I only recognized the joke because they make a similar one in the movie Captain Fantastic lol
thisismyhaendel, I was (probably at some point willfully) unaware of this most of my childhood, and it was more fun to think about than the real thing. I miss the days when I could make up my own answers to references. :p
Pancito, Are they tho ?
FlyingSquid, Yes. Golden Girls is canon.
Pancito, More canon than Calvin timeline.
jawa21, I want this as a poster!
grue, (edited ) Well, the only examples of Vulcan babies we have are Elizabeth Tucker (cloned presumably in some kind of incubation “pod,” since she definitely didn’t gestate inside T’Pol) and resurrected child Spock on the Genesis planet (who was presumably “reborn” in the torpedo “pod”)… yeah, Rose is right: as far as we know, Vulcans are born in pods!
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