ininewcrow, I never understood this comparison because inside the wrapper are two separate chocolate bars
Wouldn’t Tuvix be more like single thick Mars bar?
BeardedGingerWonder, Janeway the butcher would just heartlessly murder them regardless, it doesn’t matter.
jasparagus, I made this comment on another thread, but clearly it’s how the Romans spelled it: Tvvix. /s
auriken, if you eat both at the same time, you are pro tuvix. if you eat one at a time you are anti tuvix!
themeatbridge, If you leave them out in your car on a hot summer day, the wrapper is basically that weird alien plant sample.
EmergMemeHologram, Did Tuvixing weigh the sum total of Tuvok and Neelix and that flower?
Pancito, All I can see is Raider
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