cybervseas, Dang Nurse Ogawa is really really getting into it. Good for her.
ummthatguy, Also made one with Pulaski, since that character in back is supposed to be the elder.
ivanafterall, You put the lime in the coconut!?
momocchi, I finally got this song out of my head a couple days ago and now its back to being my mind bgm again
SnotFlickerman, (edited ) Someone was replaying Alan Wake.
…or just loves Harry Nilsson.
momocchi, Nah it just comes into my head all the time i love the song
SnotFlickerman, I mean, I do love me some Nilsson.
FlyingSquid, Nilsson Schmilsson (is a really good album).
Kolanaki, It’s the combat music.
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