teft, Whenever i see Peter Capaldi it takes me a sec because i always think he’s Jordan Peterson and I really hate Jordan Peterson
FlyingSquid, No, he’s Malcolm Tucker.
teft, Trip’s cousin?
dylanmorgan, Malcolm Tucker would have won the dominion war with pure vulgarity.
ummthatguy, (edited )
FlyingSquid, https://i.pinimg.com/originals/44/4f/06/444f0690f6ac496cc8d954b792082bae.gif
(It’s not my fault the big two Time Lords in the Capaldi era were filthy.)
ummthatguy, I like to think that Michelle Gomez’s Doom Patrol character is just Missy causing havok in another dimension.
FlyingSquid, Whereas I like to think of every Michelle Gomez performance secretly being more of Sue White’s craziness.
Maultasche, They were both Scottish
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