teft, Whenever i see Peter Capaldi it takes me a sec because i always think he’s Jordan Peterson and I really hate Jordan Peterson
FlyingSquid, No, he’s Malcolm Tucker.
teft, Trip’s cousin?
ummthatguy, (edited )
FlyingSquid, https://i.pinimg.com/originals/44/4f/06/444f0690f6ac496cc8d954b792082bae.gif
(It’s not my fault the big two Time Lords in the Capaldi era were filthy.)
ummthatguy, I like to think that Michelle Gomez’s Doom Patrol character is just Missy causing havok in another dimension.
FlyingSquid, Whereas I like to think of every Michelle Gomez performance secretly being more of Sue White’s craziness.
Maultasche, They were both Scottish
dylanmorgan, Malcolm Tucker would have won the dominion war with pure vulgarity.
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