aeronmelon, Moral of this episode: Set realistic goals.
USSBurritoTruck, Also, remember that you don’t have to be perfect to make progress. Goals require long term work, commitment, and developing new habits. Just because you falter doesn’t mean you should give up.
MelodiousFunk, Goals require long term work, commitment, and developing new habits.
This is why I'm doomed.
PunnyName, Like the second panel.
ArmoredThirteen, Me: Buying video games I’m looking forward to but still only playing the same 4 games I’ve played for the last 3 years
Kolanaki, (edited ) I was looking forward to just 1 game this year and I ended up playing just 1 good game that released this year.
They were not the same game.
Was looking forward to Starfield. The good game that came out this year was Baldur’s Gate 3.
verity_kindle, Never give up, this is the most wholesome Risa’s ever been. It won’t last, so live it up, you hedonists!
FunkyMonk, Ohhh what games?
HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, My new years resolution is to get fatter
Donjuanme, A few years ago “get rid of my virtues, stick with my vices”
This year “fuck it all, fuck virtues and vices, maybe I’ll try to call my mom once a week, it makes her happy”
verity_kindle, That is worthy.
Donjuanme, It really is, everyone should reach out to the good people in their lives, doesn’t have to be a parental figure, and let them know they’re appreciated.
I’m very fortunate to have a number of good moms in my life.
verity_kindle, Glory to the houses of the mothers.
Donjuanme, Good to see data alive and well! That’s one goal down
PunnyName, If you change your goals to be like the second panel, then you won’t be disappointed.
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