“You can use logic to justify almost anything. That's its power - and its flaw.” -Captain Janeway
Not my original content.
Not my original content.
satanmat, Please make this a reality…. Writing prompts just for ST
AIBI — I think im having feelings for a human female. And I broke into song about it… 🤣🤣
SuperTulle, Reddit used to have a StarfleetMemos sub, but with like 20 subscribers and one post per month
Corgana, “Unnecessarily emotional falling out with his father” 😂
Can we add /c/AIBI to The Website please
USSBurritoTruck, I’ll speak to the Admin if you’re volunteering to mod.
wahming, That was… Logical
Corgana, (edited ) Absolutely not I’ll just post them to Risa
USSBurritoTruck, AIBI for choosing to post queries about logical decisions to a meme page as opposed to volunteering to moderate a discussion forum that I have stated I want to exist?
RootBeerGuy, Love the username “trpingles”, might have to steal it some day.
limelight79, Plot twist: Kirk wins and claims her as his own, and takes her on the Enterprise.
oKtosiTe, The next pon farr is gonna be aaaawkwaaaard!
GraniteM, futuramacrushedpelvises.gif
Stormygeddon, Were they really 29? I thought they were like sixty or so.
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