Thanks! I’ll check it out. Still figuring everything out. I’m not sure I know how to cross post here yet - unless it’s literally just posting the same image again?
Bro, don’t even look at procedurally generated planets like Star Citizen omg. I cannot. The game is pretty but the planets make me want to throw a chair.
Sure! I tried to indicate with the red and green lines hastily added in MS Paint, but the gist of it is when water goes around a curve, it doesn’t flow perfectly in the middle. The majority of the water hugs the outer wall (the cutbank) and is traveling faster. As it’s faster, it takes more sediment with it, thus deepening that part of the river. The deepest point in a river is part of a line called a thalweg. You can see it all summarized in the image below.
Thank you for the explanation! I would however say it’s the exact opposite of how a racecar goes around a track, because they try to take the inside of corners rather than the outside.
This also applies to coding! And I'm not currently dreading the fact I keep thinking of more and more convoluted solutions to my problem at work at all!
I admit I want to like his science education efforts, but … and I mean this in just an objective way and it’s only my opinion but … he just doesn’t click for me anywhere close to how Carl Sagan did. Sagan had such a thoughtful, reflective and soothing manner in how he presented science concepts, and his awe and love of all things science (and science history) was infectious. The original Cosmos is capable of making one weep at the beauty of the universe… I only got through the first 2 or 3 of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s new series; his style of narration just doesn’t work for me. I even have trouble listening to his science podcasts, it’s just too much ‘sports-talk’ like back and forth.
That’s irrelevant. The comment was about the choice of words. It’s simply false to say the mice sacrificed themselves. If anything they were sacrificed by us humans.
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