Garbage software is one of the primary reasons I left my last job despite high pay. It just got too friggin annoying to use. They’d roll out a ‘hotfix’ to fix something they had broken 3 months earlier and they’d break 2 new things which previously had been working fine for years. The support was so bad I just bought a magic eight ball for our office and we’d ask it our support questions.
I listened to that Trashfuture episode about quantum physics and can’t decide if it’s existential implications are more intriguing or horrifying. It seems to be an area of study who’s main side effect is giving it’s practitioners nervous breakdowns.
I guess I’m so used to thinking in code, and power automate seems hell-bent on being aimed at More business oriented folks. I find it extremely unintuitive, and downright hostile in terms of actually getting something done that I know how to do, but I’m not allowed to.
I was going to say: the office environment doesn’t suck that much, or rather it’s not aimed at people with advanced programing knowledge. Rather everyone else (which is probably the majority in the professional world).
For people who have no or little IT knowledge it’s actually very handy.
I’ve learned a little bit of programming during my studies (mostly R) and I’m now working in a big company.
Power automate is so useful and nearly ALL parts of the office ecosystem is accessible to it. And it’s possible to use it with very little coding knowledge.
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