PrincessLeiasCat, This is amazing.
negativenull, It’s far too late but:
In 2012, the plesiosaur genus Anningasaura was named after Anning and the species Ichthyosaurus anningae was named after her in 2015.
Zombiepirate, They did her dirty.
Such a badass though.
drolex, Well you have to undestand their reasoning.
“My dear fellow members, today we review the application of Mary Anning to become a member of our distinguished society. As usual, the devil’s advocate will start.”
“Thank you, Sir. Mary Anning! On one hand, she’s a woman, and on the other… No wait, actually I rest my case.”
“Thank you. Now the defense can move forward.”
“No, sorry, she is a woman after all.”
" Big no-no then. Huzzah, tradition prevails! To the smoking room, chaps."
hexaflexagonbear, Hark! A vagrant!
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