YaksDC, (edited ) This was a discovery funded by the National Science Foundation, for whom work, I have the original hand drawn picture hanging in my office. Credit to Zina Deretsky
lugal, I learned in university that the first fish with 4 legs were fully aquatic. They developed them to walk on the ground of the ocean and later used them on land. That would make it a pre-adaptation. So the drawing has the evolutionary steps wrong. Would you agree on it? I’m just curious
YaksDC, You should read up on the Tiktaalik. It is a relatively new discovery in 2008. It show that there was any evolutionary step.
lugal, I think that’s what I meant. The legs weren’t as developed as I remembered them but neither were they an adaptation after going on land. So the image is right after all, I just underestimated the limbs in the picture and overestimated the limbs of the transitional creature I learned almost a decade ago (so still after 2008). Thanks!
FuglyDuck, That is one ugly fish.
I’d bet it fries up as good as any catfish….
bingbong, That’s my forefather, you monster!
Draconic_NEO, I’ve actually never had catfish before, I’ve heard people say it’s good though.
FuglyDuck, I’ve had it a few times. it’s… not something I’d go out of my way to eat. unless grandma was cooking it.
…you don’t want to know how much lard was used in that recipe. Which is why hers is so… amazing. funny how that works. fwiw, most of the lard was actually for the pan…but still it’d probably be enough to give your doctor a heart attack.
dingleberry, Be respectful to you elders.
darth_tiktaalik, All according to plan
bazzett, At least you can listen to songs about the little shit to make the writing more bearable =D
trimmerfrost, If it wasn’t for him, someone else would have
MBM, Prisoner’s dilemma
JK1348, I pay rent because of this fucker
Resol, It’s simple: this little shit just felt like not living in water anymore
trimmerfrost, Life is difficult irrespective of species. Humans have the special ability to comprehend and cry over it
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