Lol wildly exaggerated. Largest height difference on Earth’s surface is 13 miles (including underwater) vs. the 8,000 mile diameter. To quote NDGT, “The Earth is smoother than a cue ball”
Isn’t the Atlantic Ocean going to become larger than the Pacific in a relatively short geologic time scale? I ask because this is and I’m lazy, and also because I’m aware of the Mid-Atlantic ridge seafloor spreading and the fact that the Americas used to be attached to Europe and Africa. Meanwhile the Pacific plate is subducting under various continental plates.
Keep bullying the Atlantic and see what happens in 100 million years when it’s bigger than you 🫣
The original is a exaggerated estimate (projection) based on a assumed sphere, probably WGS84, because a lot of the global satellite data is formatted as such.
“reality” as in extremely exaggerated deviations from the ellipsoid. Otherwise it would just look like a smooth sphere. Earth has 12’700 km diameter. From the shallowest point to mount everest are just about 20 km. That is a 0.15 % change. You would see nothing.
I think that would be too much. A bowling ball is really smooth. It would not roll as well with such deviations all over the place.
At a diameter of 22 cm, the roughness would have to be in the order of 0.3 mm, which would not just be visible due to the distorted reflections, it would even be audible while rolling.
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