What is gravity?

Aurenkin, Damn, this meme has some weight to it
TheTurducken, ![]()
Perfect use of this format. “I don’t know” is the foundation of wisdom. See: reddit where too many think they know.
zalgotext, See: reddit literally any message board where members of the general populace can freely participate where too many think they know.
bstix, It’s not difficult. Gravity is like magnetism for things that aren’t magnetic.
Rinox, Also for those that are magnetic
AlexWIWA, Yeah I think I’ll be subscribing to this community. Thank you for the meme.
wjrii, ![]()
The squishy humanities version of this, in America at least, goes as follows:
In grade school you learn that the Civil War was about slavery.
In high school you learn that the Civil War was about a lot of complicated things.
In college you learn that the Civil War was about slavery.
TheTurducken, ![]()
Apu learned in post-grad glasses that it was complicated again.
lowleveldata, I still want to know what it is tho
pimento64, A force field generated by your mom’s obesity
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