The Andor Movie Spin-Off I've Been Waiting For (
Mos Eisley?!? Mos I'd-Rather-Be-Anywhere-Else more like! [BOW] (
Syril's mum likes to think she's a Karntent Kreator. [BOW] (
I am failing (
It is amazing how beautiful it can be when forged by its ancestral artisans. (
art enthusiast (
The true reason all along! (
Skynobi (
Wednesday is Droids Day! Memes with droids in them preferred (
T-shirt lied. (
The whovians didnt like this. May the Earl Grey be with you, Allons-y Harry! (
Sand ruins everything (
Thrawn's Star Destroyer had quite a dramatic 'Self-Destruct' sequence (
[PW] I miss the concentration powers I had as a youngling (
Thomas the AT-AT (
Snoke has the better skin care regimen (
hoth blooded (
Okay you may have a point (
i've got a bad feeling about this (
War is hell (
Whose* (I see it too)