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IMongoose, in Absolutely not

The more Star wars content that comes out the more annoyed I get. There are trillions people living on millions of planets but let’s keep looking at these 40 people, and make sure they visit tatooine at some point. Let’s see something new, anything, please.

hswolf, avatar

We got Andor my dude, awesome series

Wootz, in Absolutely not

What is Shaak Ti doing?


I’d like to know as well never heard this one

VindictiveJudge, avatar

As far as I can tell, it’s probably referencing her various unused death scenes. There were at least two in ROTS, for example. In the old EU, she eventually got an official death in The Force Unleashed with Starkiller being the one to do it. Current continuity has her killed by Anakin during his raid on the Jedi Temple during ROTS, but off-screen.

Telodzrum, in Absolutely not

Death in Star Wars is like death in a comicbook. It’s only permanent when it’s necessary for the story and sometimes not even then.


Star Wars follows Game of Thrones rules, if the head don’t come off then they aren’t dead necessarily.


Dooku had his head cut off at the neck. Darth Maul had his head and torso cut off at the waist. So the Star Wars permadeath threshold is somewhere lower than the neck and higher than the waist.


anakin was decapitated at the legs then?

psychothumbs, in Not Sparks.

Just wait until you’re old and there’s a new wave of kids for whom the sequels are a core part of the franchise. It’s been freaky to watch it happen with the prequels.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

I genuinely don’t think that’ll happen. The prequels had bad parts but an overall whole narrative. The sequels have nothing but their CGI to hold them up. They don’t build on each other, they tear eachother down.

starman2112, in Not Sparks. avatar

I liked the sequels a lot actually


So your a millennial or younger, eh?

starman2112, avatar

What about my millennial or younger?

chocosoldier, (edited )

You do know us Millennials were teens when the prequels came out and grown ass fully-developed adults for the sequels, right? bruh we grew up on the OG unaltered trilogy just like you did.

HawlSera, in Not Sparks.

In ten years people will simp for the Sequels and shit on… whatever the newest movie is… “The new protag’s not as cool as Rey!!1111

It’ll happen


We’ve seen it before with the prequels.

This meme wouldn’t fly like 18 years ago. Prequels sparking joy? Please, not the Phantom Menace.

freamon, (edited ) in I'm like Jack Reacher, if Jack Reacher only got new clothes once a year

Anakin, did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?

freamon, (edited ) in I'm like Jack Reacher, if Jack Reacher only got new clothes once a year

update check

edit: somehow palpatine returned?

freamon, in I'm like Jack Reacher, if Jack Reacher only got new clothes once a year


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  • profdc9, in Not Sparks.

    It’s certainly not the number one song in heaven.

    steakmeout, (edited ) in Not Sparks.

    The prequels suck so much arse. They are proof positive that George Lucas did not make Star Wars on his own because without his ex and Kasdan what we got was unmitigated garbage with hideous design choices, awful soporific dialogue, overwrought action scenes and terrible, racist humour.

    Fuck the prequels and fuck George Lucas. He ruined Star Wars for the true fans. I saw all of the original trilogy in their first runs. The prequels took a huge shit on everything I loved about Star Wars.


    But why not midi-chlorians?

    It is interesting seeing people like episodes 1-3 now.

    I wonder what 20 years will do for 7-9?

    JarJar isa Sith Lord!


    The line when Qui Gon describes midi-chlorians to baby Darth Vader is the dumbest shit ever:

    Without midi-chlorians there would be no life and we would have no knowledge of the midi-chlorians.

    Like no fucking shit we would have no knowledge of something if there was NO LIFE numbnuts.

    demonsword, avatar

    Without midi-chlorians there would be no life and we would have no knowledge of the midi-chlorians.

    it’s a shittier version of the anthropic principle


    Without midi-chlorians there would be no life and we would have no knowledge of the midi-chlorians.

    “Without midi-chlorians there would be no life and we would have no BLTs.”

    Veneroso, (edited )

    Not to mention crushing the dreams of millions of aspiring Jedi.

    Oh you can’t have the force, you don’t have enough of this canon-altering mitochondria allegory.

    Baby Darth Vader… Cute until you think about it. And… They clearly picked Natalie Portman for the role of Luke and Leah’s mother… Why did they pick so young of an actor? Too old to start training!? It’s almost as if they wrote it with a 17 year old in mind but somehow forgot the “mah Christmas merchandising” rewrites.

    Ugh such a mess!

    GladiusB, avatar

    The fight in the very beginning makes zero sense. There is an embargo? But why? Who is fighting who? If you are going to have a pivotal point of the story at least have a clear reason why. Sure they are bullies and they are fighting to move the story, but they kept coming back to it. Make it makes sense.

    And rolling in flowers and being a “senator” isn’t a real love story. That’s a manufactured love story. Real life stories are when people are attracted to each other and deny it, and then can only admit it when you are about to be in Carbonite.


    There is now a well known podcast called “Blank Check with Griffin and David”, but when it first started back in 2015 it was “Griffin and David Present”. Back then, its original premise was for two epic level film nerds to do a deep (and humorous) dive into the episodes 1-3 and try to answer the question “what is this about?” (Spoiler alert: they are as confused as you are).

    The show, like all podcasts, can be divisive. Some people (myself included) love Griffin’s spastic enthusiasm for pop culture, and David’s rooted but optimistic view of cinema, and they both have a deep well of knowledge on all things cinema. Those early episodes are gold, and really made me understand things about where Lucas’s head was at with many choices he made in eps 1-3. They are still terrible movies, but it’s really eye opening to see how Lucas, on his own, makes nothing but terrible choices, and is singularly obsessed with merchandising and taxes.

    I should go back and re-listen to them. I hope I’m remembering them accurately, because I remember loving that run of episodes.

    GladiusB, avatar

    It was entertaining in a world building sort of way. But as far as coherent story with in depth characters, it falls short.

    TheSparrowPrince, (edited ) in Not Sparks.

    I grew up watching the OT on home video. I loved it dearly then and I love it dearly now (Despecialized, of course 😉)

    As a teen, I was excited to see the PT in the theaters when the time came. At first, I didn’t love the PT, but I also didn’t hate it. Ep. 1 was fine and had lots of memorable moments. Ep, 2 was largely forgettable, and Ep. 3 was kind of awesome, but not all of it. However, as I grew older, I came to harbor more disdain for the PT and now I can’t be bothered to revisit it or any media closely associated with it.

    When Disney announced the ST, I was once again filled with excitement. Once again, their opening episode, Ep. 7, was fine. Sure, it was a remake of Ep. 4, and it was filled with J. J. Abrams’ mystery boxes, but it had its moments. I didn’t love it, but it was serviceable-enough relaunching point. However, Ep. 8 absolutely annihilated any hope I had for the future of the franchise. How anyone can say Ep. 8 wasn’t a complete insult to everything Lucas (and to a lesser extent, Abrams) set up is astonishing. I never saw Ep. 9 and I hope I never do.

    Years later, I heard good things about their new Disney+ venture, “The Mandalorian”. So, I decided to give it another go. It was mostly fine. They did some dumb stuff with it, but it had its moments and I liked the western-style, adventure-of-the-week format. Mando S2 was even more dumb stuff and it really started to lose its appeal, but the way they ended S2 rekindled my SW fire and I was cautiously reinvested. Then, “The Book of Boba Fett” happened and not only was the Boba Fett storyline unfaithful and atrocious, but the Mando S2.5 storyline they injected into it was a complete about-face to how they ended Mando S2.

    Now, I’m truly, honestly, DONE with new Star Wars. Someday, I hope to read the better EU books and attempt to reset my headcanon so I can finally put this franchise to rest with honor and dignity.


    This is basically my starwars story too, though I skipped book of boba fett, and watched obi wan. Obi wan was a huge miss for me, felt like it was 3 times longer than it really had the juice for.

    All that said, I loved Andor and am excited for season 2, though I have basically no interest in any future Star Wars beyond it.


    I’m a bit younger than you but I grew up with the '95 box set and saw the PT in theaters, similar experience, and I agree with your assessment of TFA, it’s not great but has its moments. Personally I really liked TLJ despite its flaws and it made me hope the series was finally about to go somewhere new. But yeah don’t bother with RoS, it’s a disjointed mess of a film made of IRL petty grudges played out on screen strung together with lame maguffin storytelling and “plot twists” from left field.

    TheSparrowPrince, (edited )

    I can definitely see how Ep. 8 was a drastic departure from what preceded it. What I can’t see is where it was supposed to go. Its scorched-franchise approach suggested something better was ahead, when in reality, it squandered vital SW creative resources for shock value. That’s just my take, though.

    Still, I thank you for your input and honesty. Also, I agree that, from what I know about Ep. 9, it was a begrudgingly petty film in response to the disruption that was Ep. 8. Two filmmakers in a squabble over the future of a franchise where one had nowhere to go, and the other had nothing left to deliver.


    I fell asleep during ep 9 in theatres and have never been down to rewatch it. Mandalorian i gave up early on when a guy flew by a spaceship and gave a thumbs up… but you should check our Andor! It’s pretty good!

    TheSparrowPrince, (edited )

    I don’t even remember the thumbs-up scene, but that falls in line with the “dumb stuff” I mentioned before.

    As for “Andor”, I heard it’s (maybe) the best Disney SW content yet. My problem with it is, but why Cassian Andor, and why should I care?

    Like, don’t get me wrong. Rogue One was a solid SW film. A bit bland, but solid nonetheless. However, Cassian Andor wasn’t that interesting in it, so am I just supposed to just accept that his story was more significant than I originally thought? It sounds like a bad fandom-based news article headline. The same logic could easily apply to “Gonk: A Droid Story” and how if it wasn’t for Gonk on the Sand Crawler, R2-D2’s message from Leia to Obi Wan would never have been possible.

    “Andor” or “Gonk” might be masterful storytellings, but ultimately, what’s the significance in the grand scheme of things, and is Disney milking this emaciated cow well beyond what we as audience are willing to go along with?


    I think the simple answer to why Andor, is that he is the type of character Tony Gilroy wanted to write about. His being situated in the star wars universe is mostly unimportant, aside from being an avenue to get disney funding. Andor could easily be sci-fi unrelated to Star Wars at all, there are some misc easter eggs and the Empire exists, but it’d be super easy to file the serial numbers off, and change some of the aesthetics and names.

    Andor isn’t significant to “skywalker saga” Star Wars, he’s just some dude who is pretty competent who starts as a self interested disaffected lowlife dude, and who becomes radicalized to join the nascent rebel alliance. It’s just a good story, and I’m glad Tony Gilroy was able to get disney bux to fund it. Its easily the best Star Wars that Disney has made, maybe that anyone has made if I take off my rose-tinted glasses. It’s honestly kind of surprising to me that the script got past disney, given how they’ve gone about Star Wars.

    TheSparrowPrince, (edited )

    Well said. If it was unaffiliated with the SW universe, I can see how it might benefit artistically and purely if its own merits, but its popularity probably would have suffered by being an obscure sci-if drama with no existing fan base to draw from. For that reason, I can’t say I blame Gilroy for working within the confines of the SW universe for this passion project. I just wish Disney would allocate this kind of talent with more creative freedom to their flagship productions. It seems an awful waste.


    I didn’t actually know Cassian was from that movie! Someone else mentioned that to me when I was mid season lmao. I was watching it as a true one off kind of show with a totally new character!

    CultHero, in Not Sparks.

    People HATED the prequels when they came out, trust me. Your kids will love the new trilogy and you’ll remember it with fondness. That’s just the way it goes.


    Only if they want to be disowned for not understanding that there isn’t friction in space 😤

    yukiat, avatar

    I’m a teen right now and when I watched The Last Jedi back in 2017, I hated it because they ruined the character of Luke Skywalker.

    CultHero, (edited )

    In 20 years you’re going to be trying to find something to watch and flicking through the channels/streamers you’re going to see it and realize you haven’t watched it in ages. Then the nostalgia will kick in and it won’t seem half as bad as you thought it was in 2017 (dear god 2037 isn’t as far away as it feels 🫨) and you’ll actually enjoy it. You might even have a few youngins you want to share the experience with and you’ll spend Christmas vacation watching the entire franchise with the littles.

    It happens to all of us eventually. Well, a lot of us.

    beebarfbadger, in Mr. Spock explains the Stars War

    I hate this so much. Have all the upvotes.

    RizzRustbolt, in Not Sparks.

    Director Wars

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