Look, it’s in space. It was long, long ago in a galaxy far away. You just can’t see the pockets, they’re space pockets, much cooler than regular pockets.
Were you around in the late 90s-early 2000s? Because let me tell you that the prequels did not spark joy for people then. It was insane the amount of hate leveled at Ep 1-3. Hell kids at Jake Lloyd’s school bullied him so hard he quit acting.
So you never know, 7-9 might spark joy for people in 20 years.
The original trilogy has an overarching story. So does the prequel trilogy. I’m still struggling to figure out a big story for 7-9 what doesn’t have too many holes, and I’m not going to watch it all ten times to figure it out.
That’s true. I think the sequels did a lot right. A woman as a main character was long overdue. The visuals are great, acting is good for the most part.
But there’s no overall story that makes any sense and it contradicts the previous movies pretty much everywhere. 7 wasn’t very believable, but made at least some sense if seen on its own. 8 didn’t seem to have much story impact at all, people seem to just solve short term problems constantly. And 9 could well be a parody. A parody with a very big budget.
I liked the spin off movies (Solo, Rogue One) a lot, though.
It just kind of felt like they read a few of the EU novels and ripped off a few of their favorite parts without any of the buildup that made them significant.
It’s wild how people pretend that the prequels weren’t hated by a bunch of people. Like, the Plinkett Reviews of the prequels were legendary YouTube videos for years before people started ironically memeing the prequels in, like, 2016.
Back then we didn’t know how bad it could get. The Prequels were bad, but you know what? The Sequels retroactively made the Prequels look like masterpieces.
Episode 7 is no masterpiece, but it is infinitely more watchable for me than Episode 1. The initial conflict is just confusing as far as motivation, young Anakin and Jar Jar are both obnoxious as hell, and the acting is not great. The Darth Maul fight and the pod race are about the only parts of the movie that I remember fondly.
Speaking as someone who actively despised the prequels when they came out, and has only learned to unclench my teeth in anger at their existence after a long process of maturation and philosophical introspection, I can’t wait to see the next generation of people getting furious when the sequels have been out long enough for new young fans to grow up and embrace them the same way the prequels were. It was horrible and difficult for me to go through, so it’s only fair that others should have to witness that process as well.
I know, right? As a huge Star Wars nerd who was in middle school when 1 came out, I didn’t even bother to go see 2 in theaters, and to this day I still haven’t seen 3 all the way through because I have such a bad taste in my mouth.
In fact, the way Lucas shit all over the established lore and canon to produce such a flaming turd turned me off to the entire IP and I didn’t read a Star Wars book or watch a show/movie until I gave Ep 7 a try because my FiL wanted to see it in the theater. That one I actually enjoyed (contrary to popular opinion), and I’ll say that the first season of Mandalorian and Bad Batch was decent, too. I haven’t seen Andor, but I probably will based on everyone’s reviews.
But the last Star Wars work that I still actually like and that I still think stands on its own two feet was Empire Strikes Back.
I’ve always thought if they just showed a bit of encouragement to him he would have been fine.
You’re not master - yet. But don’t worry, you will be, it’s a process. Listen Anakin, I know it seems like a long thing, and you are doing a great job, but everyone goes through this. I went through it…
Instead he just got “You are not qualified. Sit down”.
Yeah, I know, took a couple watchthroughs to get it at first but this was their own arrogance really showing. They couldn’t be bothered just to show a bit of encouragement.
Equally, I don’t think Anakin would have lost his shit on Mustafar if he didn’t look up and see Obi-Wan standing at the top of the ramp in the ship like an utter bad bitch.
This is one of my pet peeves - so you have a HUGE universe to work with, thousands and thousands of interresting planets, anything you can imagine. But no, because of callback$ and reference$ we’re getting to the same planets over and over again, even to Tatooine which should be by its purpose in the story forgetable, boring, a planet everyone overlooks
Similarly a lot of my 2x and 3x great grandparents looked better in their 60s, 70s, and even 80s than their kids and grandkids. Most of them wouldve been born in rural regions around the late 1800s so I suspect you are correct in what made folks age faster.
I disagree with your interpretation that Cliegg “technically” bought 3PO.
We don’t know the legal rights of slaves in that universe, but presuming this is like slaves in ancient Roman times and they can own property, then 3PO was Shmi’s from the beginning. Buying a slave wouldn’t automatically give you possession of the slave’s property, therefore it was always Shmi’s droid and Cliegg never owned it.
It’s possible that in this universe, slaves can’t own property and Cliegg bought 3PO from Watto in addition to Shmi. But I think it unlikely that Anakin would have built 3PO “to help his mom” if Watto automatically owned it. If Watto owned 3PO he would’ve sold it long before Cliegg bought Shmi.
We also don’t know that Anakin stole 3PO. If it belonged to his mom, he could have simply inherited it when she died.
One could also make the argument that 3PO was always Anakin’s property, and he just left it behind when he left Tattooine.
Depends on the droid. C-3PO is a 3PO class droid. R2-D2 is an R2 class droid. So there’s only 36 designations for 3POs and 1,268 for R2s.
BUT, designations don’t always have to follow the standard scheme. For example HELIOS-3E is IG-86 class droid. And we’ve got Chopper (C1-10P) a C1 class. We’ve also got R0-GR, a B1 series; though my head canon is that all B1s are jammed Roger, so when they say “Roger Roger” it’s actually “Roger, Roger”.
So yes. Yes is what I am reading. The designations are more like generic “make/model” numbers and not unique “serial” numbers or names. Thanks for the reply!
If C-3PO is a 3PO series protocol droid, I would find it hard to believe that only 26 (36)? were ever made and each one had a unique name. R2 is an R2 series astromech droid. I would plead a similar case there as well. Especially given the probable number of astromechs built/needed.
Their are many more droids than the easy designation numbers, and droids don’t have to follow standard designations at all.
Think of it more like the deragatory terms used on enslaved humans in our own history; the desired names of slaves mattered little to the masters.
Sentient organics are basically saying “yeah, I’ll give you one extra letter to make it easier to call you instead of the other 3PO chattel”
C-3PO may have a completely different name they would prefer to self express as; but in a universe where even sentient organics are enslaved, droids don’t stand a chance.
To your first point, the droids in question do seem to follow the “easy designations” as you put it. In fact, they are often referred to in the film by them. Examples: Luke often refers to R2-D2 as just R2. And C-3PO as 3PO.
I still don’t buy into the notion that these were unique “names” at all and not “model numbers” though, but thanks for the discussion.
How many billion people can live on a planet and how many billion planets are there in a galaxy? How many of them have how many droid slaves? Divide that by 1.7 million and you’ve got it.
If 20 years from now you meet somebody named Sandra with a completely different face, coming from a completely different place, would you guess it’s her after a plastic surgery?
We don’t know what Owen’s relationship with Shmi was. Maybe he left home before Cliegg remarried, and was only there when we see him in episode 2 because he came when his dad contacted him in a panic after discovering Tuscan raiders had taken step-mom captive.
In episode 3, when Senator Organa sent the droids to have their memories erased, they also used the force to make everyone (including Vader) forget about them.
Do you specifically remember your old smartphone model LG KU2100? Could you identify in a stack of other smartphones? You used to use it every single day.
Droids in Star Wars are appliances. Nothing memorable.
If I had a talking appliance, with a unique name and a personality, I’d probably remember it. If someone tried to sell you an old game console, and it had your gamertag saved on it, you’d probably recognize it. Or maybe you named your first car, and 20 years later someone tried to sell you the same model and mentioned it was called Cecilia, you’d be like “I used to have a Honda Civic named Cecilia! What a coincidence!”
You’re being down voted, but you’re absolutely right. More characters are shown straight up ignoring the droids except when they need their function than talking to them like people. Even Anakin himself doesn’t seem to regard 3P0 as a friend, or even as valuable, once he grows up a bit.
That’s not how humans work though. Just look at how people get worked up over ChatGPT conversations or romantic relationships with Replika. So at best, the Star Wars characters are not credible.
I’m really not. I’m using appliances in my examples. If your toaster had a name and a personality and you had to ask it to make you toast every day, you’d probably recognize it if it showed up 30 years later, even if it was now gold instead of gray.
That name and personality is like the name and personality of siri or google assistant. I wouldn’t be able to differentiate my old note 10 in a stack of SM-N970U’s even if the assistant on it remmebers my preferences on news feed and autocorrect words and whatever. Even the wallpaper may be a default and stuff like that.
Yes, definitely yes, every single one of them. But I get that most people couldn’t. My mom has to put a bright purple case on every new phone she gets so she doesn’t pick up the wrong one.
You know? That is not bad at all. Not bad at all. Why not? Why not the parallel universe version? Maybe they could use the chance to fix the dumpster fire the prequels were as well and perhaps even go along with Darth Jar-Jar.
My (new) hope is that in the parallel universe version they didn’t do the special edition re-releases and kept in the original Mos Eisley Cantina scene.
There's also the 4k77, 4k80, and 4k83 projects which made 4k versions of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi respectively, all from original 35mm reels of the movies.
Lest we forget, Greedo pointed a gun at him first, Han literally defended himself from a threat of lethal force. Jabba wanted Han dead or alive, and Greedo makes it clear he’d look forward to shooting.
It’s part of why the edit is so galling, honestly, it was already justified.
“But the audiences, the opinion panels, the surveys”
It was a Starwars movie, it was a guaranteed success at the box. The viewers can handle a little disappointment for a better story.
I could handle a non sensical character for a long stretch if at the peak of my rage that character became a such pivotal one, with a twist so unexpected and deep applied to it, it forced me to go back and review the entire story with new eyes.
No that's "predestination". You're thinking of the process by which carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and a source of hydrogen, using light as an energy source.
No, that’s “predestination.” You’re thinking of a medical condition one had before they signed up for an insurance policy and then got denied coverage for.
No, that’s “osteoporosis”. You’re thinking of rare genetic condition that causes large finger tips (clubbing), thickening of the skin of the face (pachydermia) and extra sweating (hyperhidrosis).
No, that's "poutine"! You're thinking of a large box used as a form of transportation for a human passenger, often carried using poles by at least four other people.
Nah bro, that’s paragliding. You’re thinking of that crumbly, flammable wax used chiefly in coating and sealing, in candles, in rubber compounding, and in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
Wrong, chief. That’s Paraffin. You’re thinking of a cute little bird with bright orange and grey stripes on its beak found in the north Atlantic ocean.
No, that’s pashmina. You’re thinking of Italian food made from flour, eggs and water and shaped in different forms, usually cooked and served with a sauce.
Not kind of. He showed up, he fought, he died. There’s no dimensions there. But he looked cool, had a new lightsaber, and was probably the first actor in Star Wars that actually knew how to fight IRL.
the first actor in Star Wars that actually knew how to fight IRL
That also goes for Liam Neeson, who had already had a badass sword fight, check out his climactic duel versus Tim Roth in “Rob Roy”. In fact, I believe that scene was key in his being considered for the part of Qui-Gon, I remember it being said at the time.
Fencing with a rapier is different from waving around something which cuts and burns through stuff without pressure with every side, and doesn’t have edges, and its resistance to movement stems not from gravity and aerodynamics, but from oxygen being burnt.
Though that’s fans overthinking it, it’s not like lightsaber fighting in SW was ever logical.
Fencing with a rapier is different from waving around something which cuts and burns through stuff without pressure with every side
It’s actually closer to what Lightsaber dueling would be than the Kendo style used in most of Star Wars. The Light Saber has no mass and a single touch is incapacitating. So two handed hard chops like classic Luke are ridiculous. The rapier fencing technique to parry, thrust or slice quickly and lightly is ideal. You have a massless blade not a two handed clamore. You need only prick the opponent to severely harm them in the same way in fencing a touch, no matter how light, is a point for you.
I was always confused because I thought Dooku (Darth Tyrannus) was Sidious’s apprentice. He’s the one who arranged the clones to start being made 20 years before episode 2. But that would mean Sidious had two apprentices. Did they know that? Was Maul just given a title to make him feel better but was always seen as disposable?
I never saw Maul as a real apprentice initiated into the mysteries of the sith, just someone trained to fight with the force, although Maul may have thought he was an apprentice. Dooku got the real sith training, hence the force lightning.
All those inquisitors running around at other times aren’t sith, just force sensitive enforcers.
Imo rule of two was an unnecessary retcon of a line from Phantom. “Always two Sith are found together” didn’t have to mean ONLY two. It was to reflect that like Jedi Master and Jedi Padawan are always two Jedi found together, two Sith are always found together.
Instead of seeing the symmetry that Lucas was so fond of (it’s like poetry), the EU ran with the line into an absurd history of how Sith developed into only 2 Sith in the entire Galaxy.
The fact that there was Emperor, Dooku and Maul coexisting meant Lucas saw the Sith as the evil version of the Jedi.
If you watch the clone wars TV show (highly recommend) the character definitely has more depth than what was portrayed in the movies. If you’re interested in star wars character development. No better place to look than that show. You just have to suffer the first season a little bit. Since the series ages with it’s audience.
One of the weapons I’ve wanted to see make live action were the discblades as used by the Zeizon Sha. as far as a character’s load out, one big one, and dozes of, like wrist-bangle-thingies, used in a telekinetic sort of fuck-you.
I’m purposefully ignoring the inquisitor’s toys… I’m pretty sure they were actually a joke. (especially at the point that that one dude… used it like a helicopter rotor…)
At that point it was actually the 4th time - they fought on Raydonia with Ventress and Maul’s brother, and again on Mandelore during the Clone Wars. I feel like im missing an encounter, but Kenobi faced him for the last time on Tatooine in Rebels.
I think we should think of his lightsaber more like a bow staff than a blade. It became the standard for the Inquisitors in Rebels and other later parts of the various series
The problem with double bladed lightsabers is that they have none of the good aspects of a staff of the same length. Keep in mind, pretty much whatever a lightsaber’s blade touches is going to get seared or slagged. Thrusting with one blade, means the other is very awkwardly close to your side. Then, you can’t really do vertical strikes or parry vertical strikes. And the “Oh, but you can strike much faster… BAM BAM BAM BAM!!!” thing… well, that’s about all you can do. Also, a single bladed lightsaber is going to parry those individual and move to the next both faster and more efficiently than you can strike.
Personally, I’d go something more like the concept art for Darth Bane’s Glaive-thing. Maybe a collapsing haft for a second side. You can see the obvious advantage in this HEMA video.
then my question is: did you watch the clone wars? in the main movies, he was just the prealpha of darth vader. but in clone wars and rebels (although i have not finished rebels) he gets a lot more coverage.
still not my favorite bad guy in the franchise by far, but not a shallow character at all. then of course this is my opinion, and my watch-through of media covering him is a long time ago.
Why is that your question? Obviously I did if I could compare the amount of dimension his character had relative to the movie.
Rebels was great too. I just loved the long arc between Maul and Kenobi. Maul was like a revenant that just kept coming back until KenobiI finally defeated him on Tatooine. It struck me how Kenobi just moved on with life, but Maul’s sole focus was killing him.
That and outside of the movies you see how brilliant Maul was, mad, but brilliant. He came close to seducing Ashoka and Ezra to the dark side (although Ashoka saw right through him, it took Ezra longer).
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