Don't try it (seriously) (
Stonks (
I still think Jorge got the wrong end of the stick by dressing the Jedi in that style of robe tho tbh
Ahsoka's been sent to investigate the Bad Gateway (
Good luck admins! (
TODO: fix timelines (
“Pick A Year You Cowards!” (Andy Greenwald, from The Watch podcast)
I suspect Dave Filoni’s hat is to hide the Wookieepedia implants (
Yes downvote my typos. (
I can do this all day.
*Sip* (
Master Sunforged (
Who has the most obscure meme source, you say? (
On no, it's happening... (
Pizza the Hutt, a lesser known member of the Hutt clan (
When crime is so rampant, it's just easier to invent anti-gravity (
It's like poetry; it rhymes (
When you're a dedicated killing machine, but you're still forced to tolerate Carth Onasi (
I can't return it either (
Escapes Jedha in one piece ... (
Really brings to mind that copypasta (
Bots count as artificial life forms in this universe (
Hello there! (
Begun, the Franchise War has (
(Yeah, that’ll show 'em)