My money is on the whales. (
Mos Eisley?!? Mos I'd-Rather-Be-Anywhere-Else more like! [BOW] (
I'm still angry about this. They ever give a reason? (
Okay. Those are all good reasons but “It was the 70s and he wasn’t white” is definitely my favorite.
Syril's mum likes to think she's a Karntent Kreator. [BOW] (
Don't have a lightsaber but I do have a baseball bat, you little shit (
Jar Jar the Pop-u-lar [BOW] (
(Pop-u-lar with dentists, is what I mean, of course. It’s just a headline about oral hygiene, surely)
Wednesday's Theme: The Onion Headlines [BOW] (
You are a bold one (
"An intern?" "Ah, no, this was before the rebranding." (
Alternate timeline (
I am failing (
It is amazing how beautiful it can be when forged by its ancestral artisans. (
A long time ago... Far in the Gamma Quadrant... (
"Bitch what?" (
Dialectal force wielding (
New from Nike (
Snoke has the better skin care regimen (
bert ernie ewoks Xpost (…/111190503889352997