I don’t even remember the thumbs-up scene, but that falls in line with the “dumb stuff” I mentioned before.
As for “Andor”, I heard it’s (maybe) the best Disney SW content yet. My problem with it is, but why Cassian Andor, and why should I care?
Like, don’t get me wrong. Rogue One was a solid SW film. A bit bland, but solid nonetheless. However, Cassian Andor wasn’t that interesting in it, so am I just supposed to just accept that his story was more significant than I originally thought? It sounds like a bad fandom-based news article headline. The same logic could easily apply to “Gonk: A Droid Story” and how if it wasn’t for Gonk on the Sand Crawler, R2-D2’s message from Leia to Obi Wan would never have been possible.
“Andor” or “Gonk” might be masterful storytellings, but ultimately, what’s the significance in the grand scheme of things, and is Disney milking this emaciated cow well beyond what we as audience are willing to go along with?