skydivekingair, 1 year ago Is this the pre story to The Road?
Is this the pre story to The Road?
hakunawazo, 1 year ago How on earth did he fit through that opening?
How on earth did he fit through that opening?
Ashyr, 1 year ago I love everything about this particular comic. I think it would have been lost on me, reading it as a kid.
I love everything about this particular comic. I think it would have been lost on me, reading it as a kid.
nilloc, 1 year ago (edited 7 months ago) My brother and I were kids during the end of the Cold War and definitely got this one. But my dad was a gallows humor type who claimed he’d run toward the mushroom clubs if it ever happened, better to end it quick. Edit: Mushroon Clouds thanks autocorrect.
My brother and I were kids during the end of the Cold War and definitely got this one. But my dad was a gallows humor type who claimed he’d run toward the mushroom clubs if it ever happened, better to end it quick.
Edit: Mushroon Clouds thanks autocorrect.
GBU_28, 1 year ago Did your dad hang out at a lot of mushroom clubs?
Did your dad hang out at a lot of mushroom clubs?
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