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Blackmist, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts

You can use the same trick in job applications.

If they didn’t check themselves, they didn’t really care in the first place.


This is how I spent 8 years working as Bill Gates.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

NOC operator, security technician, and sysadmin here. None of them checked until I was qualified as a matter of experience.

nameisnotimportant, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts
@nameisnotimportant@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m all in to say that the situation to get an appartement is out of control but isn’t that fraud / counterfeit?


I think rent prices are out of control but it seems reasonable for a landlord to verify that you can afford the rent.


How do you reconcile those two points though? if rent prices are out of control why is it still reasonable for a landlord to verify affordability? to me it seems they’re contributing to the unaffordability (assuming) and then imposing that the tenant then meets this fabricated requirement.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

if rent prices are out of control why is it still reasonable for a landlord to verify affordability?

Because you have to verify that someone is not overextending themselves, to try to land in your place, and then being unable to pay the rent because they did overextend.


It depends, in Spain there’s a thing called Seguro de Alquiler, (Rental insurance? Not sure the specific name of this service in the US). If the landlord offers a place for rent and has a rental insurance involved, giving them false documents could get you in trouble because of contracts and stuff. But, if the rental is done through a Real State Agency and the realtor (or directly through the lanlord) just asked for it to see but no mention of it in the contract then I think you could get away with it

kicksystem, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts

Gimp or photopea will do the trick also

@Shatur@lemmy.ml avatar

Or Krita.

nostradiel, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts
@nostradiel@lemmy.world avatar

Meanwhile in the Czech Republic…

Hi, is it still available? Yes. When I can move in? Tommorow. Thx, see you tomorrow then.

@NigerianPrince@lemmy.world avatar

How much is the rent? 50 square m?


I can’t speak for the whole country, but renting in the places I’ve lived in the USA has been scarcely more complicated than that.


I haven’t rented for a long time, but I have a funny story along those lines.

I was renting a place with two other people. When we applied, we did some amount of contract signing and such.

So one of the people decided to move to another state in the Spring of 2001, but we got a replacement tenant. We walked down to the rental office and mentioned that this new guy was moving in and asked if there’s any process to take care of. The office said “it doesn’t matter so long as the checks come in”. Ok.

So on September 12th, all of a sudden they come to our door and demand why we didn’t file paperwork (they noticed in the wake of September 11th that an arabic guy had been writing them checks and knew they were screwed if someone came auditing).


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, but can confirm: plenty of shoddy landlords that won’t check anything. If you want to live in a good (read: expensive) place, though, usually they do.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

Czech Republic is a great country. They seem to have life down.

@nostradiel@lemmy.world avatar

There is no issues getting a rented place cause not many people can afford to live there, especially if you are without a partner. Most of the young generation about to start family life (20-30y) rather live with their parents. After the revolution many poeple started building two-generetional houses so it’s manageable as long as you have good relationships in family.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

Oh I am fully aware capitalism has fucked the planet, but you guys at least seem to have the idea of good life down. Sure AF beats Sweden.

jubilationtcornpone, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts

Step 1: File articles of incorporation for an LLC. Step 2: Open bank account for your new business. Step 3: Write checks to yourself from said business. Step 4: Tell future landlord that you’re “self employed.” Step 5: File dissolution of LLC -or- make sure to pay any annual franchise taxes, depending on your state, if you decide to keep it active.


oh yeah landlords love to rent to self employed people.


We do, but our verification process include researching the LLC and requiring proof of at least 2 years of business income ( 3 years preferred).


That step is unnecessary. You can call your LLC whatever you want. So all the landlord has to know is that you work for “Totally Not A Front LLC”. If they don’t do their due diligence verifying that it’s more than a one person operation, that’s on them.

silvershrimp0, in ULPT: If you are late returning a car rental and you purchased full insurance, you can just crash it.
@silvershrimp0@kbin.social avatar

The collision damage waiver that most car rental companies offer will explicitly exclude any intentional damage, so it has to look like an accident for this to work.

@dystop@lemmy.world avatar

of course, but that’s not too hard to pull off :)

icedcoffee, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts

Renting is fucked. Some people probably know about this site but just fyi ratethelandlord.org

anarchy79, (edited )
@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

It’s land ownership laws that’re fucked. Here’s the original game of Monopoly before it was stolen by a capitalist- The Landlord Game, a teaching aid for workers to understand why land owners are the problem. It’s a pretty old problem.



The absolute necessity squares are too real. Land ownership is evil.


Lol @ “goat alley”


Lol that place is something else


@BluJay320@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Nah that’s just your average landlord

@runeko@programming.dev avatar

… 4 stars.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

I am willing to take her word over the landlord’s.

set_secret, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts

correction, and steal Adobe.

DigitalFrank, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts

I work in property management and see fake pay stubs/ fake bank statements 4 or 5 times a week. You might be surprised how easy they are to spot.


The bad ones sure. You have no idea how many get by you because they’re done professionally.


I love the idea that it’s people’s profession to doctor paystubs for rent.

Hehe… professionally forged documents. Profession. Hehehehehe


They can find out how much you make anyway. It’s called “The Work Number”, and I think it is a gross invasion of privacy. Employers use it against prospective employees to keep wages low.

FlashMobOfOne, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts
@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

I love visiting NYC, but you couldn’t pay me to live there. I have friends I stay with when I’m there, and they take 45-minute showers because that’s the only time they get any real privacy.


My rent was $2,100/month when I lived there a few years ago. Nice place, updated kitchen and bathroom, quiet, close to public transit, multiple grocery stores in walking distance. That’s steep for sure but nowhere near as insane as people make it out to be. Also I could’ve rented a place for like 1,600 but I shelled out for the nicer one. It’s really not that bad.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

That’s good to hear.

My friends have a big four-bedroom in Brooklyn, but of course, there are four people in it. They love it, but I just couldn’t do it. I love having my nice big condo to myself.

cactus, (edited )



Oh for sure it is stupid expensive don’t get me wrong. But the way people talk you’d think it is $4k/month for a tiny dump, not 2100 for a pretty nice place that I decided to pay extra for. Also pay tends to be higher which takes the edge off a bit. Just saying it isn’t quite as bad as people make it out to be.

These days I’m paying 1200 for a dump in a medium sized city and often think I’d be much happier paying 2100 in NYC. So there’s that.


There are one bedrooms and studios for < $2k in brooklyn. They might not be fancy, but they exist.

That might be more than other places, but you have to factor in you don’t need a car here. So that’s $10k/year saved (though I think it’s about $2k/year if you max out your transit rides before they become free every week).

You’d have to pay me a shit load of money for me to consider living somewhere that isn’t walkable.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

Walkability is nice.

I’m fortunate to live in a part of Kansas City that’s eminently walkable, and when the streetcar expansion is finished in a year and a half, I’ll be a block away from it, but the regional transit here in this city has always been very good. We’ve had a high-speed bus line through the main corridor of the city for almost 20 years now.

The bigger plus is that public transit here is fare-free.

jkjustjoshing, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts

Nah, no need for Adobe. Just use photopea.com



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    People downvoted you because your sarcasm is too subtle


    Photoshop is an Adobe product. They never said anything about Acrobat.


    For whatever reason the nested comments aren’t loading but I’d think twice about uploading my bank statements or anything personal to an online photo editor.


    GIMP is a good free offline alternative

    aesthelete, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts

    They wanted to DNA test my dog and keep his biometric data on file as part of the terms of the last lease I was looking at.

    I uhh, didn’t fucking sign. The neofeudalist movement is for real.


    This so they can fine you when you leave your dog’s shit on the ground for other people to step in. I’m here for it. I lived in a place that did not enforce picking up after your animals and it was absolutely disgusting.

    aesthelete, (edited )

    They don’t do that at all anyway, but hey at least the professional landlord class gets to inflict upon you one more indignity for some imagined benefit.

    The park adjacent to those buildings has so much dog turd in it you’d think they were purposely producing low quality fertilizer over there.


    My tenants wouldn’t pick up their dog shit until I asked them to. They thought I was going to clean it up.

    Then they threw unbagged dog shit in the garbage can. That was a nice surprise.

    Some people are entitled human garbage. They exist at all income levels. Yea, renters have it tough. You still have to pick up your dog shit.

    The imagined benefit of picking up your dog shit is that the lawn gets mowed and people don’t step in dog shit. Imagine that.

    aesthelete, (edited )

    For the record I’m not actually pro “leave your dog shit everywhere” I just question both the imposition of the indignity of subjecting your tenants to pet DNA screening, and the effectiveness of it as a mechanism for preventing that.

    I actually am pro throw unbagged dog shit in a bag-containing garbage can though, and don’t really understand why anyone would care about that.

    I tend to see more of the leaving it on the ground, not even the throwing it in a can.

    Edit: Alright, you guys are right, you need at least 2 layers of bags for dog shit. But then I guess triples might be safer, or even quads. Fuck it, every piece of dog shit must be wrapped in at least twenty layers of plastic before it hits the landfill! We need to preserve the remains of this dog shit forever!! It’ll be our mummies!!! Inject it with formaldehyde!!!

    @Donebrach@lemmy.world avatar

    Guess your tenants don’t have a working dishwasher and a window that’s been broken since before they moved in that is totally gonna be fixed before they move in?


    That’s whataboutism.


    It’s also so they can charge you more money because your dog has pit bull DNA and which results in higher insurance premiums or similar bullshit.


    Nobody is getting dog shit DNA tested, id bet they do for bites though so the building can say they’re not liable.

    I lived in a building where the super would go around and get as many complaints as he could from people who let their dogs go in the lobby. He was great, the building got rid of him because he wanted the building owners to actually keep up the amenities promised to residents.



    Hate to break it to you dude

    "We are the DNA dog waste management company offering a solution to pet pollution in 7,000+ communities across the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom. It isn’t just a problem in your community—it’s everywhere. "

    And here I thought it was pretty common to have your children and pets DNA tested by your apartment manager. Hasn’t this always been the case?


    Well, I guess I was wrong.

    I did not know this was a thing


    Yeah, they do that these days to identify who lets their dogs poop around the property and don’t pick it up.


    Nobody’s DNA testing dog stool. They can’t be bothered to even do routine move out cleanings in those apartments. The whole thing is a giant farcical pretendy power game played out by managers far away designing a system for the benefit of their rentier owners to simultaneously rob renters of their last scraps of dignity and every remaining dime they have in the form of bullshit fees.


    Nobody’s DNA testing dog stool.

    Yes they are. Pick up your dog shit.


    You caught me, I’m complaining about DNA testing of dogs because it’s actually me sneaking out at night and pooping (not even the dog, but me). I shit out there just for you, bud.

    @Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

    You don’t understand, PooPrints has got your number. They ship dog poop around SIX countries, didn’t you read the site!?

    It’s frustrating out there, but keep up the critical thinking fight. The ones you reach usually won’t be ones replying.


    We are now servicing over 6,000 communities in six countries. We are currently receiving an average of 300+ pieces of poop a day.


    That sounds a lot like no one.


    I’m aware that the apartment people aren’t running the DNA database themselves. They have some weirdo company that does it. I’m also aware that that weirdo company (or companies) is capable of putting together a website.

    I’m saying I live in the same neighborhood (I bought a place). Nobody is going through that park and picking up the dozens of available dog stool and sending it off to some lab to be tested. They just aren’t. The whole fucking thing is a wet dream had by some awful corporate bureaucrat that only succeeds in making renters lives a little more miserable and pads the pockets of some other random, doggy DNA database building weirdo somewhere else.


    Well I don’t know what to tell you. We had a guy two months ago who was arrested because his dog was pooping on the premises and he did not clean it up.

    This is a half a billion dollar a year industry.


    Arrested? Lol

    In my area you can’t even get anyone to care at all.

    Maybe if someone’s dog pooped directly in the property manager’s mouth… Otherwise, forget it.

    aesthelete, (edited )

    I’m going to briefly go on a related rant here that you can feel free to ignore.

    rantPeople in America have this perspective that if somehow you devise a theoretical solution to a problem (especially if it’s fancy and requires “tech” and “DNA” and labcoats) that you will magically have solved the problem. This isn’t actually the case, and it’s shown to not be the case over and over and over again in this country and everyone still seems purposely ignorant to that simple concept. Things have unintended effects. Systems can have effectiveness issues. System costs (of all types, not just monetary) on all parties involved in the administration of those systems are often left unconsidered because it’s not part of the problem solver’s business model. Convoluted systems will not be fully understood by the agents who are supposed to implement them. Modern, technical solutions to problems are not magically better or more effective than the alternatives that are very often never even considered, simply because it wouldn’t give you a reason to strap on a lab coat, or start up a new SaSS company.


    Why do you think that’s unique to AMERICA?


    I dunno maybe it isn’t entirely but it’s a very pervasive attitude here.

    Look at the COVID death numbers in the US versus some places that had the common sense to just use masks.


    Your experience is an anecdote.

    I’m aware that the apartment people aren’t running the DNA database themselves. They have some weirdo company that does it. I’m also aware that that weirdo company (or companies) is capable of putting together a website.

    Your conspiracy theory is so stupid it is comical.


    You think they have a lab in the apartment complex and they’re doing the testing themselves? 😆


    You’re saying the business that the other commenter provided a link to is a “conspiracy theory”?


    Or…They threaten to do this and just keep your $600

    It’s really the threat that motivates people, and it’s the free $600 non-refundable deposit that motivates the landlords.

    darcy, in ULPT: If you're a cashier/server/etc, you can increase the amount of tips you get by including more loose coins with the customer's change.
    @darcy@sh.itjust.works avatar

    or just give them more change than they need

    Mr_Dr_Oink, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts

    No one going to bring up the fact that adobe is an anagram of abode?

    They got their abode with adobe! This is no coincidence! I’m inclined to say this goes all the way to the top!


    I recently read about an Adobe alternative called abode

    Decompose, in Rent requirements in the US are nuts

    I have an idea, let’s print more money and increase government spending. Surely that will decrease inflation… right?

    “Delusional”, is an understatement when describing your kind that wants all kinds or free services, but complains about inflation.

    You, Americans, are about to get a taste of reality soon enough. I’m watching you fall and laughing my butt off. You deserve every micro little bit of this. Keep voting for politicians that spend more money recklessly, and keep voting for more unfunded social programs, and keep exporting all industry outside of US and increasing your trade deficit, and one day your government bonds won’t be worth shit, and inflation will become hyper inflation, and all those like me will only continue laughing.

    Enjoy the decline, and remember that the more you fall, the more I’m laughing in the backseat.

    Now do your clown show and call me names to feel better.


    There are a lot of us here that have been fighting the status quo for decades. Our failure does not seem to merit ridicule and scorn. It’s awful living through this time.


    I’ll send a memo to all 350 million Americans who are unanimously making these decisions to keep it up, because a random guy on the internet thinks it’s funny.

    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    and remember that the more you fall, the more I’m laughing in the backseat.

    So when the car finally crashes, you'll be right there to die alongside the people you're laughing at? How thoughtful!


    Do you understand what the electoral college is?

    @BluJay320@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Listen, I hate this country as well, but you just sound like an actual child

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