I hate things like this because I feel like they misrepresent the issue. Yes, I’m sure there’s some morons out there that think you have to kill the sheep, but that’s not what the vast majority of vegans think. Also it’s great if this person is treating their animals well but that’s absolutely not the case for the vast majority of commercial wool farms where practices like un-anaesthetised tail docking, mulesing and castration are common. And given the sheerers have quotas to make the sheep are often handled roughly and injured and when they get older and the wool quality deteriorates they’re still sent off to a slaughter house all the same.
Sure there’s some tiny farms out there that take good care of their animals and practice ethically and I’m all for it, but videos like this give a really skewed look at the problem by misrepresenting the complaints vegans have and also the practices on an industry scale.
I grew up on farms, I know what good shearing looks like. And even if every single shearer was perfect it still does nothing about the other points I made.
I heard PETA also started the plague and fellated Hitler.
Seriously, the campaign against PETA must be one of the most successful examples of propaganda in history. Even people whose views are aligned with the goals and actions of PETA hate PETA. Because they’ve read somewhere (but can’t quite remember where) that PETA are evil hypocrites, deny the holocaust and kill animals for fun.
They were called in by the owner of the trailer park to capture wild dogs and cats
They encounter a dog running around without a leash or any supervision
They capture it, as instructed by the landlord, who owns the property
The only thing they really did do wrong was not wait the mandatory 5 days before they put the dog down.
But the reality is: If you’re running the only animal shelter around that won’t turn away animals, you’ll be forced (by law) to euthanize a lot of them. What else are you going to do? You can’t just let the animals loose, no one else will take them and more are coming in daily.
PETA is catching flak for carrying out the consequence of people breeding and then abandoning dogs, which is the real crime.
Yeah again I wouldn’t recommend it, it seems a bit unnecessary. There are a huge number of environmentally friendly vegan clothing options.
I get omnivores telling me I can replace my vegan food with literal corpses. Dead animals are definitely less environmentally friendly than what I’m eating.
Depends on the farmer. Some are really rough with the sheers and end up cutting the skin. Some really throw the sheep about and aren’t really looked after well.
In the long history of farming, and knowing a few frugal farmers, I’d bet a substantial sum that a farmer has sheared their own sheep and has nicked a few in the process.
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