I think that there is a massive gap between competitive sports (almost inherently toxic) and massively online games (juvenile masses combined with lack of moderation) and, for example, speed running and challenge games or tabletop and board gaming which are all likely to be more wholesome and positive even if there is a competitive angle.
There is probably more visibility on the first side. Maybe because that’s where the money is. And I very much agree that this was a nice story and I hope there will be more of this kind of inspiration shown in public.
That was a great watch. I love how the next step in competitive Tetris means the player will need to learn which moves won’t crash it so you can get to the final level. How cool.
Honestly, for me, the best part about this, is how excited the person they were competing against was for them. They didn’t care that they didn’t get it, they were happy for their competitor. That was awesome.
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