Using the metaphorical (or maybe literal) model of ideas as living things - there should be conditions we can create to nurture an ecosystem of beneficial ideas. Like making a garden or farm....
While school districts grapple with attacks on transgender students, some schools are moving in the other direction. Champlain Valley School District has passed expansive rights for trans students....
The director was long identified with ornately edited set pieces. In “The Irishman” and his latest film, the flourishes have given way to blunt truths....
Now in his 80s, Herzog reflects on his unusual life and the curiosity that has fueled his career in the new memoir, Every Man for Himself and God Against All. Just don’t read it expecting a deep confessional: “I’m not into that business,” he says. "I never liked too deep introspection....
ofc you may schedule it with cron but following script I wrote won’t change anything. The setting is set but nothing changes. I’m on Fedora Silverblue...