Moderators Needed
This community has been abandoned by its creator. It needs one or more new moderators to bring it back to life! If you are interested in becoming a moderator, leave a comment in this post....
This community has been abandoned by its creator. It needs one or more new moderators to bring it back to life! If you are interested in becoming a moderator, leave a comment in this post....
Is it shallow, or petty, to decide based on name alone? Yeah, pretty much, but there’s probably something, a product or service or site, that the name has made you gloss right over it or jump to it ASAP....
Proton save up 60% (new users)
When trying to capture an area of the screen; specifically a Firefox extension; the context menu disappears when I press Ctrl-Shift-PrintScreen...
Basically I’m really missing the edit post option it was available on my previous client (voyager) so I think it’s possible....
Especially paired with ignorance.
just need something to do light development (docker, python, rust, with an ide). something i can upgrade (ram, ssd minimum). laptop would best, but desktop works too...
When I travel, I try to taste the local cuisine and love to try things that I’ve never had before. Recently I tried haggis, which was outstanding. I’ve also had hakarl (fermented shark - not really my cup of tea, but glad I tried it) and balut (surprisingly tasty)....
I got pics of my foot during surgery and pics of it a week after the operation. I’d love to share it with people and discuss how neat the human body is. I don’t want to subject people to it who aren’t interested in it, though.
My wife and I love scented candles but the cheap ones burn like shit and tunnel really bad, where the expensive ones are…expensive. we use scented waxes sometimes but we like having the flame....
Where I can upload things for friends and they won’t be taken down
Això és una prova.
I’m setting up the first round now. Please join early, so you will be notified when we start....
Hi lemmy,...
Heya folks, some people online told me I was doing partitions wrong, but I’ve been doing it this way for years. Since I’ve been doing it for years, I could be doing it in an outdated way, so I thought I should ask....
Mr. Bean in Vulcan form
More often than not, the best way to hide is to simply blend in with the crowds – this also encompasses one’s choice for a username. It is relatively simple to make a single throwaway account – just come up with a username, and off you go – however, if one makes throwaway accounts often, the task of thinking of a unique,...
Hey, so I believe in a higher power but I’m not on board with any particular religion. Anyone else think it’s cool to just fly solo as a good human, no religion attached?
Typically i’l pick 2 sources from each political leaning...
Just so no one else reloads 131 times like I did to get a +2 wisdom bonus for Shadowheart, it doesn’t work for her since she has “nothing more to give.”...
So I’ve recently taken an interest in these three distros:...