Cold war satellite images reveal hundreds of unknown Roman forts (
Cold war satellite images reveal hundreds of unknown Roman forts...
Cold war satellite images reveal hundreds of unknown Roman forts...
Two cyclists died near Napa, California, Tuesday by a lumber truck when its load suddenly shifted of the picturesque roadway....
While school districts grapple with attacks on transgender students, some schools are moving in the other direction. Champlain Valley School District has passed expansive rights for trans students....
The director was long identified with ornately edited set pieces. In “The Irishman” and his latest film, the flourishes have given way to blunt truths....
Now in his 80s, Herzog reflects on his unusual life and the curiosity that has fueled his career in the new memoir, Every Man for Himself and God Against All. Just don’t read it expecting a deep confessional: “I’m not into that business,” he says. "I never liked too deep introspection....
Not OC
Oh the money I could make if I didn’t have morals. It turns out some people really are that dumb.
I suspect piracy will become increasingly popular in these countries
Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered a 3,500-year-old cemetery that contains a “Book of the Dead” papyrus....
From CNN link:...