Nvidia Fuck You! (Linus Torvalds) My thoughts exactly (www.youtube.com)
Old but gold. posting for anybody who hasn’t seen this yet.
De zaak Suri-Change: het geldwisselkantoor van de politie (www.youtube.com) Dutch
Het geldwissel- en transactiekantoor Suri-Change erkent tegenover Nieuwsuur dat het in de afgelopen jaren honderden ongebruikelijke betalingen te laat heeft gemeld bij de overheid....
I know old memes are the hot thing right now. (lemmy.ca)
Since we are posting old internet stuff... Here's llamas with hats (youtu.be)
Where did all the Sriracha go? Sauce shortage hiking prices to $70 in online markets (www.cbsnews.com)
tl;dr: sriracha is selling for ~$40-$70 a bottle due to a shortage of red jalapeño crops, caused by climate change (specifically, extremely hot, dry weather as well as landslide effects from various climate events in the previous years). huy fong says sriracha is resuming limited production but did not specify when this...
Old classics: AAAAAAAAAA Man falling down the hill. (youtu.be)
my favorite TV commercial from the 90s (youtu.be)
Fun retro throwback
The fight against time - a battle for us all (files.catbox.moe)
Anyone else remember this ol' ditty? (www.youtube.com)
Those are some sweet old memes you might say (youtu.be)
Standardizing the Linux Desktop ... (www.youtube.com)
WORLD RECORD Kapla Tower Collapse (youtu.be)
They build a 25 meter tall tower out of wooden sticks over the course of four days and then make it all collapse. I thought it was pretty cool.
Why Do Pink Lakes Turn, Well... Pink? (youtu.be)
Outside In (how to mathematically turn a sphere inside out) (youtu.be)
Birds Eating Pizza Slice (youtu.be)
I wrote a program that generated this video which plots the paths of all characters in Lord of the Rings. (youtu.be)
This was a big project. Lots of study of the Atlas of Middle Earth. I learned a lot about what is actually going on....
Hoe Russisch geld nu al in Oekraïne belandt (www.youtube.com) Dutch
Bijna anderhalf jaar na het begin van de Russische invasie in Oekraïne lukt het een derde van de banken en andere financiële instellingen onvoldoende om tegoeden op de sanctielijst op te sporen en te bevriezen....
Compressors - Turbine Engines: A Closer Look (www.youtube.com)
A sort of museum style tour of some jet engine compressors at a repair shop.
Beyond Van Gogh - Art Exhibit Fort Wayne IN (youtu.be)
I really enjoyed this light show.
The Physics of GriGri | When does No-Hands Belay Fail? (youtu.be)
A well organized description of how a GriGri works, and when it fails. Based on good physics, not a lot of math in the video itself....
Zembla (BNNVARA): De ernstige PFAS-vervuiling (youtu.be) Dutch
Ik verwachte al wel dat dit een probleem zou worden, maar toch zijn de cijfers erg schokkend. Dus aan iedereen die dit leest: ga niet in dat gebied zwemmen, en een niks wat daar vandaan komt.
Harrison BDP - Decompression (youtu.be)
Unquestionably one of the greats. Harrison showing everyone how it’s done. This one’s best played loud!...
How did they get these tires on this concrete post? (youtu.be)
Louis Rossman gets Zoom to sponsor a video about Zoom's anti-consumer terms (www.youtube.com)
cross-posted from: lemm.ee/post/582890...