Why Are Arch Linux Users So TOXIC? (www.youtube.com)
I also want to see how many downvotes i am going to get
I also want to see how many downvotes i am going to get
I just came across this and thought I’d share. I’ve struggled to get headers and IC’s off boards after soldering them on backwards/upside down. This video shows a cool trick with a piece of copper wire that makes them very easy and quick to get off without expensive tooling. I was thoroughly impressed. Hope someone else...
Reddit who?!
Here it is. He says “Cindy and I are breaking up” - then proceeds with the review of Laphroaig 10 Year Single Malt Scotch, which he tells us has been his go-to single malt - it’s a “no compromise” Malt, he assures us.
We interview YouTube game reviewer "Jauwn" - whose channel specializes in the sadistic process of wading through all the "web3" NFT games trying to find out ...
This is really cool, I have never heard of dual actuator drives before.
I just love this video! Not sure if it counts as a meme tho. 😅
Dit is een reportage van: Gert-Jan Dennekamp & Bohdan Kinasjtsjoek....
Don't need to be rich to afford hi fi sound
found this great bookmarklet for downloading DRM'd books from the internet archive in high quality. did not work in edge, but worked great in chrome!
“The Flying Train” depicts a ride on a suspended railway in Germany in 1902. The footage is almost as impressive as the feat of engineering it captures.
A simulation based on maxwell’s equations and ohms law of a very long circuit, demonstrating how current can seem to travel faster then light.
News story here: thedeepdive.ca/gtaa-ceo-claims-significant-improv…
What if one pan could do everything the best traditional stainless-steel, cast-iron, and nonstick pans can do—and, in some cases, even do it a little better?...