I’m looking for suggestions that zombie-me could follow through with. The problem is I can barely bring myself to get out of bed, let alone do a useful task. It just wastes typically 2–5 hours of my life as I wait for tiredness to finally (re)take hold.
Larian has released a fresh batch of Baldur's Gate 3 stats, confirming who's the most romanced character, how many people have completed the game so far, and more.
This message showed when I entered the serial specifically made for pirates. Right now feeling nothing but respect for plugin devs. Next month Imma buy this plugin 100% fixed, need it or don’t need it doesn’t matter anymore lol.
If all the seemingly pointless discussions about which distro is better comes from attachment to a spesific distro and if a distro is just a way to interract with linux than all the discussion about witch distro is better etc. fundementally comes from a a place of love and appreciation for Linux as an OS....
Started in mid November and despite repeated requests from Tuta(nota) and reassurances from MS, it’s still happening and MS have gone silent on the subject.