Yeah, I completely agree, the guy’s a duche, blaiming others for his mistake (assumption, that leads to a shitty PR, which is a mistake).
As I said, if I did that, I would gladly take the heat from Linus. Own up to your mistake. Yes, you do deserve to be called names. You’re a maintainer for the most wide spread kernel in the world. “But I don’t get paid…”. You can quit at any time pal, no one is forcing you to do it.
He basically has one rule and one rule only… we don’t break user space… IMO, if you break that one rule, I believe he has the right to be angry. It’s not constructive, but I wouldn’t hold it against him.
Have no idea about those standards to be honest, all sorts of Chinese shit appliances get imported here, I don’t think we have a code that regulates that.
Nah, I don’t currently have any problems with my hardware. I just happen to have acces to a lot of old hardware (at work) and play with that when I have some free time.
Of course, I also (still) dual boot. Mostly because of software that just doesn’t run in Wine… and for work. But other than that, I’m mostly on Linux.