How old is the Asus monitor? This might also be a hardware problem, bad caps related. Digital equipment is sensitive to power voltage fluctuations, and when bad caps are in the picture, even more so, making the equpment do all sorts of inexplainable things, like how could one thing I do on this monitor reflect on what the other monitor does or doesn’t. In most cases, a small ground loop or a fluctuation caused by one of the monitors draining power when being turned on or off, might affect what the other one does or doesn’t, if it alredy has failing caps. I’ve seen similar things happen on dual monitor setups when one of them has failing caps. One turns on just fine the other one doesn’t, but you power them in reverse order, hey they work 😂.
I’ve seen tons of women refer to men like this, refering to them as desdbeats or just no help around the home. Why can’t I refer to women like that as well?
That is my experience and I did point that out on a number of times in my post. Your experience may differ from mine.
Plus, I don’t live in the US, so things may be different here than what they are over there. Don’t assume that just because I’m an English speaker that I’m automatically from the US.
They’re also wild (or at least look to be) and that gives an impression that they might also be kinky, or at least give a great sexual experience… whereas barbie girls are usually just for show.
In either case, both the barbie girl and the big tiddy goth gf are (generally) of no use in the household. One is for show, the other one is for sexual pleasure, but neither of them can be classified as good partners (in general… doesn’t mean it’s true for all). They usually care more about their style (appearance) than anything else.
So, to iterrate, it’s fun having them around if you’re a young adult, if you want a gf for show or maybe a little on the wild side, maybe a tigress in bed, etc… but… when it comes to actually marrying one, usually, none of them is them is the right choice. You want a partner that will be by your side and cherish what you both have? Go to a market or a convenient store at 9AM on a Sunday. Those are the people that know what responsibilities are and will always be there for you.
Once again, this is a generalization… doesn’t mean everything is like I described it… this is more of a past experiences sort of a thing, mainly my experiences.
That is a good option as well, but for experienced users only and only if you have a lot of RAM and a UPS (or on a laptop with a working battery). Otherwise, power failiures mess that thing up.