Can agree with that. And that is a system (social) problem, it’s not a human conditioning problem.
My point was, being rich is not good either. Ask how many rich people are happy, I mean truly happy. I bet the bunch in the image is having a better time than any rich person will ever have.
You’re taking things way too litelarly in the image. The point is, not everything revolves around money. And there is nothing wrong with hand made furniture, at least they learned a thing or two by making it. It does the job, not everything has to be new and shiny. There is nothing wrong with recycling stuff or putting old things to better/new use.
And cold/hot can’t be depected in an image (it can… to an extent), maybe they just got wet in the rain and are trying to warm themselves up with blankets and a hot tea. That is how people used to warm themselves up, I still do that on a cold day, as I said, there is nothing wrong with that. Not everyone has to have an AC or a space heater.
I didn’t mean it as poor, I meant it more in the terms of not rich… or at least not rich so that you can afford a new car every time your 2 year old BMW breaks down.
For example, it’s perfectly fine to own a condo, not a house. More than 70% of the world’s population lives in condos, yet in the US it’s frowned upon, or it’s OK, but if you’re single. Basically, condos are not good for raising children. I live in a condo with my wife and son and I have no plans to move to a house whatsoever. They’re way too expensive and I’d have to work my ass off to afford the downpayment for one. I’d rather spend that time with my child or just having a conversation with my friends or relatives. Work is not everything.
Living in a world where you have to grind in order to make a comfortable living is wrong. The picture above just depicts what most of us are lacking in today’s world. And I think everyone feels the consiquences, just can’t pinpoint the problem. The system is the problem. We’re not meant to live like this.
I’d suggets Void. It has Ardour in the repo (not Reaper though) and PiperWire with JACK should work out of the box. If you want Reaper, you’d have to install it manually though. I’m working on a template for Reaper, but it’s not finished yet. If you’re willing to wait a month or so, you’ll probably have Reaper in xbps-src as well.
Well, yeah, maybe it’s because she’s a woman 😂. I was just kinda wondering what kinks she would be in, like BDSM, bondage, stuff like that, just… interesting to know if you could turn back time and watch a completely different timeline unfold right in front of you.
Nope, actually I’m fairly calm. I only lash out when others do it at me first, but I own up (not lash out) if I was to blame. And the guy did own up, and that’s great IMO, he admitted he was wrong. Bravo 👏.
Kernel devs are like mini-gods, so I can understand them being with their nose up in the clouds a bit… and they completely deserve that, they’re the driving force behind what we use every day, for free I might add. But, since Linus started the whole thing, it’s his show, he’s running it. If he doesn’t like what’s being done, and especially if it’s bullshit code, yes, I completely understand him lashing out… I might not do it that way, but I feel that there is nothing wrong with that either.
But, having one definitely raises alarams about the seriousness of the issue… and this was a serious issue, not breaking user space is why we’re still using Linux. If it broke something on every update, I’m sure we would have opted for something else a long time ago… so would every server on this earth, as well as Google for Android.
I just love people that don’t beat around the bush and are straight to the point. We have enough snowflakes and bullshitters in this world IMO. Everyone’s so sensitive all the time, like… grow up and own your mistakes. And a wake up call guy like Linus is exactly what people need.