It’s somewhat like Firefox used to be, cuztomizable UI and all that… a lot of menus with UI tweaks that just make your browser your own and make your life easier… it brings back what was taken from us when FF made some drastic changes.
Yeah, IDK if things are like this in the US and other western countries, but it’s how they are here. Shit is cheaper on every other day except when there are discounts 😒. There are some execeptions, but yes, most of the time, things are cheaper when not on a discount.
See, this is mostly because of 2 things. One, when changing filenames, users make the stupid mistake of changing the extension as well (having no extension that is), which of course, in Windows, it means the file won’t be recognized as a media file. Two, blind you from the truth - you don’t want users that can think, that’s not what our bysiness is about 😏. Also the reason behind why Windows has less and less options and people that want to change something have to revert to registery hacks to do so.
Yes, you’re correct, it goes much further back than FTP, all the way down to UNIX I believe. The problem was commands and parameters (options) which use a white space to seperate between them. So, filenames and directories were’t allowed to have white spaces in them.
Depends on where you got the torrent, but those seeders might actually be just wrong reports by the tracker. It has happened to me as well. I’ve left torrents for months just to see if it will eventually start downloading… nope, just sitting there, idle.
Can’t say what the real reason behind this is, but my best guess is some bots are reporting wrong info via DHT and/or the trackers. Why? Have no idea, your guess is as good as mine 🤷.
You’re taking things way too litelarly in the image. The point is, not everything revolves around money. And there is nothing wrong with hand made furniture, at least they learned a thing or two by making it. It does the job, not everything has to be new and shiny. There is nothing wrong with recycling stuff or putting old things to better/new use.
And cold/hot can’t be depected in an image (it can… to an extent), maybe they just got wet in the rain and are trying to warm themselves up with blankets and a hot tea. That is how people used to warm themselves up, I still do that on a cold day, as I said, there is nothing wrong with that. Not everyone has to have an AC or a space heater.