Yeah, that’s about it. I’ve trown buggy code at it, tell it to check it, says it’ll work just fine… scripts as well. You really can’t trust anything that that thing outputs and it’s more than 1 or 2 lines long (hello world examples excluded, they work just fine in most cases).
Living in a world where you have to grind in order to make a comfortable living is wrong. The picture above just depicts what most of us are lacking in today’s world. And I think everyone feels the consiquences, just can’t pinpoint the problem. The system is the problem. We’re not meant to live like this.
So glad someone with hlaf a brain actually does some rational thinking based on facts.
For the record, the war is not about that, but facts are facts 🤷. A large pirtion of Ukraine is Nazi oriented.
Cold war related stuff is what the media clings on to: Russia bad, Ukraine good.
The real reason was that the US was planning to plant it’s ass in Russia’s backyard. Ukraine wanted to be a part of NATO, which is of course a choice that any country has a right to make, but not when your neighbour is an ex hevy weight boxing champ and tells you to shut the hell up… yeah, you shut the hell up.