Yep, exactly like that on AliExpress 👍 (guess they stole the design and idea 😂… great, at least we can get them for next to nothing 😂). I just called them keyboards cuz they recognize as a keyboard in the OS 😂.
Is there a way I can interact with it using a remote?
I was surprised at the number of remotes that sell on AliExpress that have an actual keyboard on the back of it, covered with a plastic seal, that sell for dirt cheap like $5, and are meant to be used (and recognized as by the OS) as an actual keyboard.
So, yes, regarding this option, is an actual minipc a solution and can I interact with it properly, yes, you sure can ☺️.
Oh, and some even had a little touchpad on the front 😂. So cute 😂.
Yes, you’re correct, it goes much further back than FTP, all the way down to UNIX I believe. The problem was commands and parameters (options) which use a white space to seperate between them. So, filenames and directories were’t allowed to have white spaces in them.
It’s legacy, white spaces weren’t allowed as characters on most FTP software, which is how the warez scene shares it’s releases. It used to be underscores, but dots are closer to a white space regarding separation (space wise), so most release groups use dots nowadays.
Generally, a white space as a character in filenames and directories is “frowned upon” in many operating systems, Windows included (somewhat). It makes writing scripts and software more comlicated because it’s used as as a separator for giving command line/terminal options to commands and binaries (programs).
Nope, but I think I’ve given enough to the community over the years.
Though I was thinking of donating to Void (maybe even some sort of a partnership, if they agree to it, which I seriously doubt) cuz I use it for business purposes as well.
Ah, that’s why I search before I download anything 🤣. Plus, I got a good memeory (only regarding songs for some reason 🤔 😂), so I rarely end up with dups.
And I do tag them after I download them… well, retag them, they’ve already been tagged by whoever 😂.