The repo is full of any software you might need, including proprietary (through xbps-src).
Everything just works, if it doesn’t it’s probably your fault.
It’s a rolling release distro, yet focused on stability and usabilty, so you won’t get the latest and greates, but instead builds that are known to be solid. For example the kernel, it’s not the latest, as is with Arch, but it’s maybe one or two minor versions behin. The same applies to software, they’re known to jump versions if the current build proves to be unstable.
Lightning fast boot up. It’s also the fastest distro there is, apart from the *BSDs.
Compiling and testing is a breeze thanks to xbps-src.
A lot of tools and scripts that make building templates for software not in the repo very easy.
Supports a lot of architectures. NetBSD is the only other POSIX OS that supports more architectures than Void.
There are other things, I’m sure, but these are the ones I can think of ATM.
The word for father and mother (especially mother) are similar in many European languages, Slavic included, which doesn’t mean the cultures share the same roots.
Though yes, I would agree that living on the same continent meant different cultures get to share a lot, inclding language, through trade or other means.
Oh, that’s different then… I thought his dad was like “run Debian, or you’re grounded”, lol 😂.
I agree on the last part, that is most definitely true. You can try, but you can’t force it 🤷. After all, his/hers gifts may lay in another field, not tech 😉.
IMO, his aproach was too strict, that’s why it failed and just caused repulsion towards Linux. There are other ways you can “make” children like things.