This is a repost from the matrix & mastodon channel. My account was banned on the platform “” without any explanation & indefinitely after not using it for 1 or 2 days, here’s my profile “”....
That is my experience and I did point that out on a number of times in my post. Your experience may differ from mine.
Plus, I don’t live in the US, so things may be different here than what they are over there. Don’t assume that just because I’m an English speaker that I’m automatically from the US.
Will be installing either Mint or Pop_OS on a new laptop which has a 512gb SSD. Will keep Windows for gaming, at least for now, with the games installed on an external HD. But otherwise, this is to experiment with living in Linux....
That is a good option as well, but for experienced users only and only if you have a lot of RAM and a UPS (or on a laptop with a working battery). Otherwise, power failiures mess that thing up.
Yep, use NTFS. You can access it in both Windows and Linux. You’ll need to install ntfs-3g in Linux. It comes bundled in most mainstream distros, but just in case.
For Linux, if you’re a beginner, EXT4. Experienced users - BTRFS.
And ntfs-3g is even better at writing on NTFS than Windows is. There are fragmentation examples online, Windows makes a fragmented mess while ntfs-3g takes great care regarding fragmentation. Plus reads/writes a lot faster than Windows does.
I didn’t mean it as poor, I meant it more in the terms of not rich… or at least not rich so that you can afford a new car every time your 2 year old BMW breaks down.
For example, it’s perfectly fine to own a condo, not a house. More than 70% of the world’s population lives in condos, yet in the US it’s frowned upon, or it’s OK, but if you’re single. Basically, condos are not good for raising children. I live in a condo with my wife and son and I have no plans to move to a house whatsoever. They’re way too expensive and I’d have to work my ass off to afford the downpayment for one. I’d rather spend that time with my child or just having a conversation with my friends or relatives. Work is not everything.
Nope, actually I’m fairly calm. I only lash out when others do it at me first, but I own up (not lash out) if I was to blame. And the guy did own up, and that’s great IMO, he admitted he was wrong. Bravo 👏.
Kernel devs are like mini-gods, so I can understand them being with their nose up in the clouds a bit… and they completely deserve that, they’re the driving force behind what we use every day, for free I might add. But, since Linus started the whole thing, it’s his show, he’s running it. If he doesn’t like what’s being done, and especially if it’s bullshit code, yes, I completely understand him lashing out… I might not do it that way, but I feel that there is nothing wrong with that either.
You could actually install Windows on btrfs with that driver 🤨? Never tried it… but would be willing to try, since I’m sick and tired of Windows store corruption 😒.
These darn icons are pissing me off and there’s not a whole lot i can find in the settings. So on the right sys tray, the bluetooth and network icons are perfect; that’s how I want ever icon to be; perfectly sized, it’s clear and detailed, it looks proper; same with the date and clock. The notification, wifi, and battery...
The icons you hate are icon set specific. I haven’t tried tinkering with them (I don’t actually use them, most of those plugins that come by default on most distros are removed on my installs), but I think you can change icon sets… or maybe themes (some themes also hold icon sets).
So, basically, you should install new icon sets and/or themes to get new icons and just pick one that you like, unistall the rest. Your default repo should hold most popular themes and icon sets for xfce.
PS: Some things may be inacurate, but I’m not much of a graphical person, I usually use xfce with default settings and maybe Greybird Dark as a theme. I leave everything else to default, whatever the defaults may be.
Hm, that is weird… they should change with the theme…
I don’t know if there is an xfce comm here on Lemmy, but if there is, it’s best to ask there, since this is an xfce specific thing (KDE or other DEs may implement this differently).
EDIT: There is, !xfce, but the last post there is from 4 months ago 😔.
Request for a ban appeal in ""
This is a repost from the matrix & mastodon channel. My account was banned on the platform “” without any explanation & indefinitely after not using it for 1 or 2 days, here’s my profile “”....
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Goth GF Meme Analysis (
Dual Boot Best Practices? (
Will be installing either Mint or Pop_OS on a new laptop which has a 512gb SSD. Will keep Windows for gaming, at least for now, with the games installed on an external HD. But otherwise, this is to experiment with living in Linux....
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Linus does not fuck around (
An oldie, but a goodie
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Hello all,...
Honestly it's a mess (
aplay /dev/urandom (
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I know that after you leave office as POTUS it is some sort of unwritten rule that you withdraw from politics....
Awww yeah (
How can I fix these darned icons in Zorin Lite Xfce??? (
These darn icons are pissing me off and there’s not a whole lot i can find in the settings. So on the right sys tray, the bluetooth and network icons are perfect; that’s how I want ever icon to be; perfectly sized, it’s clear and detailed, it looks proper; same with the date and clock. The notification, wifi, and battery...