Can agree with that. And that is a system (social) problem, it’s not a human conditioning problem.
My point was, being rich is not good either. Ask how many rich people are happy, I mean truly happy. I bet the bunch in the image is having a better time than any rich person will ever have.
Hey guys, I just had a curiosity on the multiple ways of storaging stuff and how long would that hold, take backing it up to a newer storage after some years out of the table....
Long story short, I learned there is an XMMS release of a plugin I use in Winamp for music playback (mp3PRO). Sadly, I recoded most of my music to mp3PRO back in the day, and now I’m stuck using Winamp, even on Linux. I like the player, wouldn’t change it, but I wanted to switch to something native, like Audacious or Qmms....
Ummm… I don’t live in the US and $50 is A LOT for me. My monthly salary is about $500. All of these 2TB drives are used and dicomissioned (replaced for larger one, they’re from work). I just don’t have the funds to replace them. The NAS is DIY as well.
And drives are not that cheap around here. They are, but not as cheap as in the US. SSDs are about the same price though… but our salaries are not.
I’m asking this because one time, while browsing the GNU website, I noticed that some of the members’ emails had “gmail” on them!! And I asked myself how would that be possible?? And I think other members of the FSF had Gmail too. Why? Richard Stallman is against Gmail, so why would those memberse use it?? Would that...
Yep, exactly like that on AliExpress 👍 (guess they stole the design and idea 😂… great, at least we can get them for next to nothing 😂). I just called them keyboards cuz they recognize as a keyboard in the OS 😂.
Windows as a software package would have never been affordable to individuals or local-level orgs in countries like India and Bangladesh (especially in the 2000’s) that are now powerhouses of IT. Same for many SE Asian, Eastern European, African and LatinoAmerican countries as well....
Yeah, the 90’s were the turning point for MS. If they flopped, we would have a whole different story right now. Unfortunately, they didn’t… which is why we have to have everything MS compliant right now on OSes that share nothing in common with Windows.
The coup as well… and other things… the US messes in politics with foreign countries way way too much. Russia does it as well, but not to that extent. I think Putin just got pissed about it and saw an oportunity to regain some of the land Russia lost when the USSR fell apart. The NATO thing was just the icing on the cake.
The Cuban missile crisis was about the same thing, Russia planting it’s ass next to NATO. Russia did back down with the plan though. The US wasn’t ready to do that with Ukraine. They wanted a country right next to Russia.
For the homies (
Top hour sorting be like (
18+ How do i politely ask her to shave?
Funny suggestions only
You've heard of self raising flour, now presenting: self raising babies! (
We need to stop attempts to normalize grind/hustle lifestyle (
Best practices in mounting NAS shares? (
What are some best practices in mounting NAS shares that you all follow?...
I feel this… (
Admit it, you have long dreamed of such hosting. (
Long storage life curiosity
Hey guys, I just had a curiosity on the multiple ways of storaging stuff and how long would that hold, take backing it up to a newer storage after some years out of the table....
There can be many dangers lurking in Africa (
Is there any way I can make an old XMMS plugin work in any modern player?
Long story short, I learned there is an XMMS release of a plugin I use in Winamp for music playback (mp3PRO). Sadly, I recoded most of my music to mp3PRO back in the day, and now I’m stuck using Winamp, even on Linux. I like the player, wouldn’t change it, but I wanted to switch to something native, like Audacious or Qmms....
Hits close to home (
For my mythology fans (
But Windows 11 is so good!!11!1! (
stolen from linux memes at Deltachat
can I be a Free Software advocate but still use non-free software??
I’m asking this because one time, while browsing the GNU website, I noticed that some of the members’ emails had “gmail” on them!! And I asked myself how would that be possible?? And I think other members of the FSF had Gmail too. Why? Richard Stallman is against Gmail, so why would those memberse use it?? Would that...
Linux servers
Help me trash my FireTV stick
Hello sailors,...
Scrabble’s New Official Word List Contains Dozens of Stunning Additions. Elite Players Are Mortified. (
How do you like to sort your Lemmy feed?
Hot seems meh. I usually go for Top: Day but then I run out. Recently tried most active by comments and liked it....
No politics inteded: Why isn't Trump after leaving office in any way or shape involved in politics say as member of congress or senate? (
I know that after you leave office as POTUS it is some sort of unwritten rule that you withdraw from politics....
Random thought: Windows is largely successful because of Piracy
Windows as a software package would have never been affordable to individuals or local-level orgs in countries like India and Bangladesh (especially in the 2000’s) that are now powerhouses of IT. Same for many SE Asian, Eastern European, African and LatinoAmerican countries as well....
rip bozo (
Leonardo is it you?